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So today is a day before Christmas Eve, I still have to wrap a few presents, I have two more to wrap for Chavo and three more to wrap for mom, Chavo is spending Christmas with us this year, he already gave his presents to his kids and his wife actually, it was his kids and wife's idea for him to spend Christmas with us.

I heard a knock on my door and Chavo walked in "Hey, are you excited? It's Christmas Eve tomorrow" Chavo asked "Yeah, I'm excited to give you and mom your gifts" I told him and he smiled "Speaking of, can I hold one of mine?" He asked "Yeah, why not, pick up that light blue one with the snowmen on it, that one is one of yours" I told him, he nodded and picked it up and he sat at the end of my bed, he shook it around and the present that was in the box moved and he heard it, he gave me a confused look and I just smiled "I'll act shocked in the morning, you can just tell me what it is now" He said and I laughed "No chance" I said and he smiled, "Okay, fair enough, goodnight kiddo" Chavo said and he put the gift back, he ruffled my hair and he left my room.

I woke up the next morning, I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't move, I could only move my eyes, I know what this is, it's sleep paralysis, I got it before but I never get it regularly, I get it now and again, I seen my bedroom door open and in walked a figure, I couldn't make out who it is, the figure walked over to my bedroom window and looked out of it, whoever it was pulled back the curtain and let the light in, the figure turned around and I seen my dad's face, then I started to see the rest of his body, he was wearing the clothes he wore that specific morning, I tried speaking but I couldn't, he started walking towards me slowly, "You could've saved me Sasha" I heard him say, tears rolled down my eyes as I was thinking 'I tried' "You're strong, you could've flipped that man over you, but you didn't, you could've ran back into the room and you could've saved me, but you didn't, you let me die, you, my only daughter, the girl I loved more then life itself, let me die" Dad said, I'm fully crying now, my eyes are getting blurry from the amount of tears that are forming and spilling from my eyes, "Why didn't you Sasha? I wouldn't have let you die if I was in your position, you let me die, YOU LET ME DIE" he screamed and that's when he disappeared, my bedroom door opened for real this time, Mom and Chavo ran in "Sasha, Sasha what's wrong? Why did you scream?" Chavo asked but I didn't answer, I didn't even know I had screamed "She's having sleep paralysis, Sasha, focus on moving your finger, or toe" mom suggested so I focused on moving my finger then after a few minutes my whole body loosened up, Chavo helped me to sit up and I leaned against my headboard and I cried "Do you wanna talk about it?" Mom asked "I seen him, I- I seen dad, he- he told me, that, I- it was my fault that he died, was it? Was it my fault that he died?" I asked as tears streamed down my face "No, no of course it isn't, it is not you're fault Sasha" mom told me, Chavo just sat there and watched, he didn't know what to do.

It's been four hours, Chavo and I went on a walk "I've been thinking about this for awhile, and then this morning happened, I want to go see a medium, you know, someone who can speak to the dead, just to put my mind at ease" I told Chavo "I've been thinking about that myself, we should go see one after Christmas" Chavo suggested and I agreed.

It's around 10pm, mom is sleeping in with me tonight, she insisted so I let her, I hugged into her and I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6:00am on the dot, "Mom, can we go down and open our presents?" I asked "What time is it?" Mom asked "Six in the morning" I told her and she nodded "Yeah, go in and wake up Chavo" she said, "Alright" I replied, I got out of bed and walked into the guest bedroom where Chavo is sleeping "Chavo, hey, c'mon, wake up, we're going down to open the presents" I said and patted his arm "Yeah, I'll be out now" Chavo said and I nodded with a smile and I left his room.

We're now downstairs, Chavo opened his gift that I got him, it's a bracelet with a little saying on the cardboard:

"Aw Sasha, I'm keeping the packet" he said and I smiled, he gave me a hug which I gladly accepted then he gave me my gift that he got me, it was a bracelet, it was from the same company that I bought his from, this is what it looks like:

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"Aw Sasha, I'm keeping the packet" he said and I smiled, he gave me a hug which I gladly accepted then he gave me my gift that he got me, it was a bracelet, it was from the same company that I bought his from, this is what it looks like:

"Aw Sasha, I'm keeping the packet" he said and I smiled, he gave me a hug which I gladly accepted then he gave me my gift that he got me, it was a bracelet, it was from the same company that I bought his from, this is what it looks like:

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"Great minds think alike" I said and he chuckled "Thank you" I said and gave him a hug. "Okay, mom, your turn, open this one" I said and handed her a small box, she opened it as she gasped "Sasha, this is beautiful, thank you" mom said "Read side of it" I said and she read it "It's beautiful thank you" mom said and hugged me, I got her a ring with a pink diamond heart on it:

 "Okay, mom, your turn, open this one" I said and handed her a small box, she opened it as she gasped "Sasha, this is beautiful, thank you" mom said "Read side of it" I said and she read it "It's beautiful thank you" mom said and hugged me, I got ...

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This is what the side says:

I smiled as I watched her put it on her finger, "Okay, I want you to open this one" mom said and handed me a big-ish box, I unwrapped it and I seen the writing on the box, it's from build a bear, I opened it and seen a white bunny, one of my favor...

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I smiled as I watched her put it on her finger, "Okay, I want you to open this one" mom said and handed me a big-ish box, I unwrapped it and I seen the writing on the box, it's from build a bear, I opened it and seen a white bunny, one of my favorite animals:

It had a 'Press me' sign on its paw (Where it says BAB) so I pressed it and a voice played "Hey Sasha, honey, sorry I couldn't be there, work is chaotic, but I promise I'll make it up to you honey, I'm flying home soon, I'll bring you back somethi...

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It had a 'Press me' sign on its paw (Where it says BAB) so I pressed it and a voice played "Hey Sasha, honey, sorry I couldn't be there, work is chaotic, but I promise I'll make it up to you honey, I'm flying home soon, I'll bring you back something nice to make it up to you, okay, Sasha I got to go now but I want you to know that I love you so much, I will always hold you very very close to my heart, I love you honey, bye" dads voice said, I hugged the teddy as close as I could, tears formed in my eyes and soon enough they rolled down my face "Where did you get that?" I asked as I admired the teddy "I was scrolling through your dad and my messages, he missed your fifth birthday because of work so he sent that voice message, so I thought it would be nice if I put it in a teddy so you have something that reminds you of him, and you can hear his voice any time you want" Mom said as her eyes watered and I hugged her.

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