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Today, is HIAC, I can't wait for my match today today, this is my ring gear:

The skirt does come off so I don't have to worry about that, before my match I do have to make sure everything that I've set up is ready

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The skirt does come off so I don't have to worry about that, before my match I do have to make sure everything that I've set up is ready.

The match is now, Finn just made his way out, his music stopped and mine played, but.. my music is kinda different from my original one, this is what is sounds like:

My distant cousin SNOOP DOGG made it for me because I wanted to switch things up a little, anyways, I walked out.

My distant cousin SNOOP DOGG made it for me because I wanted to switch things up a little, anyways, I walked out

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I danced like this until the beat dropped and when it did I done my hip movement:

I proceeded to walk down the ramp, I got onto the apron, I looked around at the audience, I took the skirt off, I swiveled my knees as I stood up, like a little dance:

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I proceeded to walk down the ramp, I got onto the apron, I looked around at the audience, I took the skirt off, I swiveled my knees as I stood up, like a little dance:

I proceeded to walk down the ramp, I got onto the apron, I looked around at the audience, I took the skirt off, I swiveled my knees as I stood up, like a little dance:

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Then I grabbed onto the middle rope and leaned out to show my ring to the camera:

Then I grabbed onto the middle rope and leaned out to show my ring to the camera:

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(She's still wearing the sailor gear)

Then I got into the ring, the Cell slowly made its way down.

The match started when the Cell came down, Finn ran at me but I easily moved out of his way and he fell so I smirked, he stood up, he walked towards me and I slapped him.

I managed to pick Finn up, I power bombed him against the wall of the steel cage and it broke, I held my lower back because I'm in pain, I looked underneath the ring and I pulled out a black duffle bag that I had put under there before the show started, I threw it into the ring, I walked out of the cage and I pulled Finn up by his ear and I pushed him against the steel post, I grabbed him by his hair and I dragged him out of the Cell, I walked him over to the announcement table, I stripped the table of everything that was on it and I put Finn laying on it, I looked up to the very top of the Cell then I looked back at Finn, then an idea popped into my head, I wasn't originally going to jump from the top of the Cell, I was gonna use the shit that was in the duffle bag but this is way better, I started to climb the Cell.

Once I made it to the top of the Cell I looked down and Finn was still laying on the announcement table, I looked up to the sky and I pointed with a smile,
I stood two steps back then I jumped, when I landed on Finn the whole table broke for obvious reasons, it hurt my lower back even more, the Ref started to count because neither of us were moving, I managed to stand up at the count of eight, then Damien's music played and that caused the ref to stop counting because he was distracted, Damien walked over to me "You won, it's over, you won, Sasha, Finn is barley moving, just end the match" Damien told me but I shook my head "He signed up for this, I told him I would make his life a living hell, so that's what I'm doing, now leave" I said to him but he shook his head, I turned around and extended my hand and a man gave me a microphone, "Now!" I said into the microphone, and a theme song played that people haven't heard in over six years:

Damien looked behind him and I smiled, it's nice to hear Chavo's theme song play again, Chavo ran down the ramp and he attacked Damien.

I dragged Finn into the ring, Chavo was standing guard making sure no one will try and intervene again, I put Finn into the BankStatement and he tapped out, I stood up and I hugged Chavo, I haven't seen him since, the uh, since that morning, so it feels nice for him to be here with me, "Are you alright?" I asked him "Yeah, yeah, it feels good to be back" he told me and I smiled up at him.

When we walked backstage mom basically ran over to us "You were so good out there, my heart dropped to my stomach when you jumped off the Cell, you didn't tell me you were going to do that" Mom said "I didn't know I was going to jump until I put Finn on the announcement table" I responded and she just smiled at me "And you, thank you, for kicking Damien's ass" mom told Chavo and he chuckled, "It's not a bother, I would do anything for Sasha" Chavo replied and he looked at me with a smile.

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