I'm fine

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I woke up at 8:00am, thankfully I always leave my gym bag in my car which has spare clothes in it so I drove to a garage and asked for the bathroom then I got changed into this:

I woke up at 8:00am, thankfully I always leave my gym bag in my car which has spare clothes in it so I drove to a garage and asked for the bathroom then I got changed into this:

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(She still has blue hair guys)

With a pair of white sneakers.

My phone was blowing up with messages from everyone trying to contact me, including my mom, Chavo was ringing me and I couldn't take the sounds of it anymore so I just answered him "Sasha, Sasha where are you?" He asked me "I just needed time to myself, I'm okay, can you stop blowing up my phone please?" I asked him "Sasha go home, your mother is worried sick about you" Chavo told me "Tell her that I'm safe, and that I'll be gone for a little while" I said, I didn't give him a chance to reply before I hung up.

Im in my car eating food, I'm scrolling through Twitter when I get a message from HHH, he text me saying 'Sasha are you free tomorrow for a match with Bayley against Charlotte and Becky?' So I typed back saying 'Yeah sure, I'd like to talk to you after the match if that's okay' then I put my phone down and drove to a hotel so I can sleep in a bed.

I'm at Wendy's going to the drive through, I ordered my food then I parked my car and I ate, my phone started buzzing, I answered it without looking at who the caller was "Hello?" I asked "Sasha, where are you?" Mom asked from the other end of the phone "Mom, I'm fine, stop looking for me, I need time to myself right now so I can think" I told her "Just tell me where you are so I know you're safe" mom pleaded "No, because you'll just come find me, I'm safe, okay I'm safe just stop calling me please" I said and hung up.

After six days of being gone from home, I decided to return home.

I just parked my car in the driveway then I walked into the house "Sasha?" Mom asked as she seen me from the living room "Yeah, I'm back" I told her "Don't ever run away like that again" Mom warned me and I rolled my eyes at her, she never even asked me I was okay or where did I run off to, "Why are you giving out to me? Yeah I disappeared for a week, I'm an adult, I can take care of myself" I told her in a rude tone "Don't get rude with me Sasha I'm your mother, I was worried sick about you" mom shouted "You never even asked if I was okay, you just threaten me as soon as I walked in" I shouted back "Sasha I care about you" mom shouted "It doesn't seem like it" I told her and her face softened into a sad face "The only parent that cared about me is dead, you may think you care about me mom, and you probably do but to me it doesn't seem like you do, me and you never got along, only after dad died we got close, but now look at us, we're screaming at each other, dad wouldn't want this for us, he was our glue, and without him, we're falling apart, we have been falling apart ever since he died and we just ignored it, we ignored the fact that we're falling apart" I told mom "Honey I'm sorry you feel this way, really I am, I'm just so stressed lately-.." mom said but I cut across her "And you think I'm not? I'm in a really dark place at the moment, it's gotten so bad, I genuinely don't recognize myself, I don't want to go back to work, I never wanna show my face anywhere anymore" I confessed "Sasha, I promise I do care about you, I really do, you're my daughter, I love you with my whole heart" Mom told me "Mom, what am I going to do? I don't feel normal, I want to be normal, I don't want to be this broken, naive girl that lost her dad, I want everything to be normal again I hate- I hate this part of my life, I just want to move on but I can't because I'll just feel like I'm betraying dad" I said then I started sobbing uncontrollably "Oh sweetie, come here" mom said as she pulled me in for a hug and I cried into her shoulder.

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