8 ~ Guilt

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"Hey, Yeonjun?"

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"Hey, Yeonjun?"


Y/n rolled her eyes, slightly amusedly.

"Yeonjun oppa?"

Yeonjun, smiling widely, put his phone in his pocket and focused fully on the girl.

"When will I be allowed to leave?"

His smile faded, and he spoke in a more serious tone.

"Once you explain to me why you haven't been eating enough lately."

"Just try to take a more... gentle approach."

"But it's weapons! How can teaching that be gentle?"

"I don't know! Maybe..."

Hueningkai fell silent. Beomgyu knew exactly why.

They heard voices on the other side of the door.

She woke up.

"When will I be allowed to leave?"

They heard him clear his throat, usually as he does before he says something not-so-jolly.

"Once you explain to me why you haven't been eating enough lately."

Kai and Beomgyu exchanged a glance.

Neither of them were really surprised. She seemed like the type to suffer in silence until it killed her.

"I have been eating though."

"You need to eat ALL of what we give you. You need energy for your training."

"Hey, wha-"


Kai and Beomgyu quickly shushed Taehyun. He was confused, but didn't say anything more. The three of them pushed their ears up against the door, hoping that they didn't hear them.

Y/n heard people talking in hushed voices outside. Yeonjun heard it too. They both fell silent.

Did they hear all that?

Yeonjun started towards the door, but Y/n quickly called him back in a whisper.


He stopped walking and looked back at her with a serious face. She whispered again.

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