48 ~ Gratitude (Final chapter)

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"A date?"

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"A date?"


"With who?"

Y/n pestered Taehyun relentlessly, noticing a peppier change in his mood as he got dressed in a more critical way than he usually did. She had suspected such a thing to happen to Taehyun sooner or later anyways.

Beomgyu was dating her, Soobin and Yeonjun didn't seem to need anything more than each other's company, and Y/n simply couldn't picture Kai talking to a female that wasn't Rina.

"Her name is Iseul, we met at a café, she spoke to me first by saying I looked like someone from a girl group she likes, I got her a coffee, and I asked her out."

Taehyun had predicted most of Y/n's following questions, always aiming to save time in every way possible.

He was sitting on one of the sofas beside Beomgyu, who had his arm draped lazily  over Y/n as she cuddled tightly into his waist. Rina lay with her legs on Kai's lap on the couch opposite to them, both of them scrolling seemingly mindlessly on their phones. Soobin was helping Yeonjun clean in the kitchen, silently listening to every word Taehyun spoke.

"Cut to the chase. Is she pretty?"

Rina suddenly averted her gaze from her phone, the blue light still bouncing ghoulishly off half of her face. She spoke her question loud and clear, never being the type to beat around the bush.

Taehyun didn't say anything, yet the red tinge in his ears said more than enough. Beomgyu smiled at this, glad to see that he was beginning to move on.

"Ooh~ Taehyun's flustered!"

Yeonjun cooed from the kitchen, further embarrassing the blushing boy. Soobin cooed along with the older boy, probably triggered by Taehyun trying to hide his face behind his phone.

It took a while, but the previously quiet and cold leader of TXT had slowly warmed up to Y/n, gradually expressing more and more feelings in and around her presence. He was beginning to feel like a real brother to Y/n, and there was little more that could make her so glad.

"You know that used to belong to your mom, right?"

Beomgyu changed the subject suddenly, earning a grateful look from a rather flustered Taehyun.

Y/n looked up to Beomgyu questioningly, and he motioned with his head over to the familiar pretty black box with a red ribbon that sat on the further end of the sofa they were on.

Y/n peeled her arms off of Beomgyu, reaching over to grab the small box with her hand, only to let her head fall back against his chest as she examined the box again.

She opened it and gazed at the glittering jewels that seemed to only gleam when it had an audience to view it. Y/n hadn't brought herself to remove it from the box, finding the dagger far too perfect for her unworthy hands to hold.

From what she could remember about her mother, she was a very kind and noble woman. It had only been five years since her death, but with everything that happened afterwards, it had felt like decades.

Y/n tried to picture her mother, digging deep into her memory to try and put together a realistic image.

She had short black hair that ended just below her jaw and bounced happily whenever she moved her head. She had thin lips that always looked better when she laughed. She had small, kind eyes that closed completely when she smiled wide enough.

Y/n could picture her mother just fine, but she couldn't picture her holding a dagger pointing to anyone.

However, she knew that if that beautiful was to own any kind of weapon, it would be the dagger that shone almost as bright as her smile.

"She would have wanted you to have it."

Soobin continued, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts instantly.

"She also wanted you to join us as soon as you turned eighteen."

Hueningkai spoke suddenly, pulling all gazes to himself. His words met Y/n's ears in a funny way, not making complete sense to her just yet.

"What do you mean?"

"She said that you would be an awesome addition to the team, and told us to wait because she wanted you to finish school."

Y/n chuckled.

"And I ended up fleeing the country in my senior year. I never would have thought that I would end up with the rivals of my father's mafia."

A breathy chuckle aounded from above Y/n and she tilted her head upwards to see a smiling Beomgyu looking down at her.

"Well we're all super grateful you did."

Her eyes twinkled as she smiled up at him, knowing perfectly well that their gratitude couldn't compare to hers in the least.

The End

i ran out of tissues (for my sweaty eyes)

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i ran out of tissues (for my sweaty eyes)

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