27 ~ Call

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Gazing down at him from her window, Y/n played around with the simple question in her head, prodding and poking at it, as if it would simply ask itself without her help

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Gazing down at him from her window, Y/n played around with the simple question in her head, prodding and poking at it, as if it would simply ask itself without her help. Of course, it remained unsaid, kept entertained with the view of Beomgyu walking around in the garden.

She watched him walk through the different areas of the garden, seemingly picking the best roses for the growing bunch he was holding in his arms. A little earlier, she had seen him take time to water all the roots of the bushes with a watering can, refilling it numerous times.

A warm smile grew on her face as she watched him care for the roses so well, it almost seemed like he respected them. Y/n compared her first impression of him to her current one; he used to be the one she feared most, but now she found herself thinking more about him than anything else in her life. He used to be a terrifying idea for her, but seeing him act so caring for something that had no way to repay him, brought a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest.

Naturally, Y/n had questioned herself, asking herself if she had at least a little crush on him. Based on the fact that even the thought of him made the corners of her mouth itch with the need to lift up her cheeks, she had concluded that it was a possibility.

She felt the need to get to know more about him and his past.

That was exactly why she had found herself staring at Beomgyu picking roses in her free time instead of trying to think of ways to escape like a normal hostage.

The moment Beomgyu's head lifted up and met Y/n's gaze with his own, time seemed to stop in a painfully embarrassing way; such as when a friend might record you doing something stupid that you'd regret later.

She immediately threw herself back from the window, landing on her back against the soft duvet of her bed. Her hands were clasped tightly over her mouth, her eyes widened in the shock of being caught in the act of staring at Beomgyu.

Y/n silently prayed that she had just imagined it, and that Beomgyu would still be unknowingly tending to his roses outside. Although, deep down inside, she knew that she had felt the unmistakable drop in her stomach that happened whenever he acknowledged her in the slightest way.

In other ways, she trusted her gut too much to deny that he had seen her staring at him.

Shamelessly, she soon returned to her strange hobby, partially for the roses, partially for Beomgyu, and partially to check if Beomgyu was still there. Peeking her head over the windowsill - with the rest of her body ducked closely to her bed - it was hard to tell by the way he walked or held roses if he had seen her.

Before Y/n had the chance to put the rest of her body in a more comfortable sitting position, she saw a smile grow on his face. Her brain said a huge "huh?" when she saw this, it being the first time she saw him do such a thing.

Her logic was telling her that it was just her imagination, and that her simping brain had just taken advantage of the image-altering distance between the window and Beomgyu and conjured up an image of the most beautiful smile and pasted it on the barely-visible bottom half of his face.

All excuses were debunked when a voice rung out from the smiling face.

"It's rude to stare."

It was strange to hear him, because she could basically hear the smile in his voice; and if she was being honest, she didn't mind it in the least.

She was so busy internally fangirling, that she had almost overlooked the fact that he had spoken to her. When it eventually hit her - after about five seconds - her whole face flushed a deep shade of pink. She buried her face in her arms, embarrassed.


"You wanna come down here?"

The invitation left his lips so nonchalantly, any outsider would've assumed he always asked to spend time with her.

Wait no, I didn't see him say it, so it must have been someone else calling me down to the garden!

Don't be a dumbass, you'd recognise that beautiful voice anywhere.

A quick scan of the garden after lifting her head confirmed that Beomgyu was, indeed, the only one who could have called her.


He shrugged, maintaining the shared gaze between the two of them.


For some reason, this flattered Y/n, and made her lips prick up in a small smile.

She felt her face warm up significantly, spreading through her whole body quickly like a wildfire.



Making her way down the stairs and up to the door of the garden was easy, but the nerves really hit her when her hand reached out for the handle. Y/n felt her structure of security crumble to ruins, a sudden awareness of how she looked coming over her like fog.

She looked down at the massive gray hoodie that hung on her shoulders, the end reaching just below her knee, and the borrowed pair of leggings she had acquired from Rina. She wore a white pair of socks that the pant legs of her leggings were tucked into for whatever reason.

Y/n made quick adjustments to her appearance; pulling her leggings out from the socks and dusting off invisible dirt from the hoodie. Just as she was reaching for the handle once more, a voice rung out from behind her.

"Who you dressed up so fancy for?"

She turned around to see that Yeonjun was the owner of the sarcastically-toned voice, and that he appeared to be sitting on one of the sofas drinking tea.

"When did you get there?"



"And I was here the whole time. You were just too excited to see your little boyfriend to notice."

Y/n's head whipped to the door for a second before returning her gaze to Yeonjun and glared at him in a rushed - yet embarrassed - manner.

"What do you mean 'boyfriend'?"

She said in as confident a tone she could muster, but it came out as more of a whisper-yell if anything. Yeonjun's eyes narrowed as he smirked and took a sip of his tea.


She glared at him a little longer, knowing that he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hurry up! Don't keep him waiting."


Y/n turned away from Yeonjun, all signs of agitation gone from sight, and moved the hair out of her face before slowly opening the door.

Y/n turned away from Yeonjun, all signs of agitation gone from sight, and moved the hair out of her face before slowly opening the door

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nothing gets past yeonjun :T
what do y'all want to happen next??

a vote is highly appreciated <33

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