29 ~ Loved

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Y/n's plan for that evening had changed so many times that day, she didn't know what she was doing next

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Y/n's plan for that evening had changed so many times that day, she didn't know what she was doing next. It went from sitting in her room and doing nothing until she got her food, to spending time with Beomgyu in the rose garden, to thinking about Beomgyu's strange confession in her room until she got her food, to driving to goodness knows where with Beomgyu.

The last version didn't change, however. It would be highly unlikely that she end up doing something else, especially considering that she was in the passenger's seat of a car that Beomgyu was driving.

On her way out, Yeonjun had given them both a strange look - peeking his eyes judgementally from over the rim of his teacup - but let them go, since he knew Beomgyu wouldn't do anything too stupid.

The bouquet that Y/n had watched Beomgyu hand-pick and tie together prettily was lain in the backseat, a few stray petals littering the seats.

Beomgyu hadn't given her any clue as to where they were going, only having asked her and led her into his car, which he soon after started driving.

Had it been any other situation, she would have been panicking and thinking of ways she could escape when they arrived. Something about the atmosphere in the car made her feel safe, and even a little eager to find out where he was taking her.

Y/n stole glances at his face, occasionally checking for any visual changes in his mood.

Beomgyu's face stayed blank throughout the whole drive. It lasted about twenty minutes, but felt like hours for Y/n.

When they got there, her eyes finally looked at something that wasn't Beomgyu or her own fidgeting fingers. Outside the passenger's window of the now stationary car, she could see a dark street; not really dark, but so lonely desolate it gave the impression.

Y/n waited for Beomgyu to open his door before Y/n opened her own, walking around the car to meet him on his side. He was bending into the backseat, soon emerging with the bouquet.

It didn't take long for Y/n to piece together a rather accurate assumption as to where Beomgyu had taken her.

After following him in a seemingly random direction for a few minutes, they passed through a tall gate that arched at the top, a name written on the arch.

Hyulim Graveyard

Y/n stayed at Beomgyu's heel, the two of them waking past numerous graves in utter silence. She noticed how he walked with no hesitation in his step; a clear sign that he came here often. The thought made her heart clench in sympathy.

That was probably the reason he always seemed to be gathering flowers; to leave at his sister's grave.

Due to her undivided attention on Beomgyu's back, Y/n had no trouble stopping herself from accidentally bumping into him.

Curious, she stepped out from behind him to get a look at the tombstone in front of him. The huge pop of colour, however, caught her attention much quicker than the name. There were huge bundles of flowers piled in front of it, some appearing older than others.

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