25 ~ Bow

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First day back at training since her injury was treated, and Y/n was feeling good about it

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First day back at training since her injury was treated, and Y/n was feeling good about it. Ever since her positivity epiphany, she had become excited to learn to properly defend herself.

After all, she wanted to have a say when it came down to determining her own fate in the whole web of mafia positions. She didn't want to be passed around like a helpless asset between the two mafia groups anymore.

She tried to avoid thinking about facing her father and Heeseung once again, so she wanted to be prepared when the time eventually came.

Alone with Beomgyu in the basement once more, Y/n's eyes followed his figure moving along the weaponry wall, watching what he would take for their next lesson. Her fingers fidgeted mindlessly in front of her bandaged waist, the bandage completely revealed with the cropped hoodie she was wearing.

When she saw his hand clutch over a bow, her face went instantly red, imagining the couples that appeared in dramas; where the man stood closely behind the woman to properly perfect her shooting posture.

Beomgyu handed Y/n a bow and led her to the bullseyes, bullet and knife wounds still dotting it like splatters on the targets.

Knowing her heart wouldn't be able to handle Beomgyu being as close to her as in the dramas, she tried her best to vividly picture how archers stood in movies, so that he wouldn't need to adjust her posture.

Taking an arrow from Beomgyu's outstretched hand, Y/n took in a deep breath, as she had seen them do in the movies just before aiming; probably to perfect the aiming action.

She loaded the arrow into the small groove in the middle of the bow and pulled the end to interlock with the string; as most people knew how to do. She then turned her body so her side was facing the target, straightened her back so much it hurt her neck, and lifted the bow so that the arrow was just next to her head.

Just as she was about to wind the arrow back to release it, things took a turn for the worst; Beomgyu approached her. Stopping half-a-meter away from her for a moment, he seemed to be second-guessing himself, but ended coming up behind Y/n anyway, instantly invading her nose with his scent.

Her whole body froze in place, her heart beating against her ribcage as if it were trying to escape from her chest and run away. The feeling only got worse when Beomgyu's hands gently adjusted the position of her arms, dropping them slightly so that the arrow was parallel to her shoulders instead.

He was so close to her that she could almost assume the rise in temperature was simply radiating off of his chest instead of her own burning face. When his hand touched her waist to push it a little, changing her posture to a less backward-bending shape, Y/n felt like she was quite literally about to faint.

By then, her whole body was trembling, so much that anyone could see the arrow struggling to know which direction it was being aimed in.

Beomgyu noticed this and silently smirked above her head, secretly enjoying it; his pulse was racing just as fast as hers.

"You're shaking too much."

He whispered in Y/n's ear, sending a million electric shocks down her spine. She gasped a little and pressed her lips tightly together afterwards, nodding her head a little.

This, of course, did nothing to help her shivering and even made it worse.

Finally putting all jokes aside, Beomgyu placed his hands on Y/n's forearms, gently holding them in place. The fact that he was being so gentle was making her heart pump even faster yet, but the shivering was calmed by his firm - yet gentle - grasp.

"Do you want me to help you?"

Beomgyu asked in a soft voice, almost sending Y/n into a coma from his warm breath fanning over her ear.


She stuttered out, her face burning even redder because of the uncontrollable stutter that had made itself known.

Beomgyu lowered his head to Y/n's height, catching her off-guard slightly. Seeing him that close to her, she couldn't help but admire his face from the new point-of-view; two inches from his perfect side-profile.

Beomgyu moved Y/n's arms a little bit to aim the arrow towards the target, too concentrated to notice her staring at him. When the position of her arms had been properly adjusted to his liking, he wound her arm back to prepare to shoot the arrow, just as her eyes trailed down to his lips.

"You can release now."


It took her a moment to realise that Beomgyu had stopped maneuvering her arms, but by the time she did, he already turned his head to look at her. Seeing her face that close to his own, Beomgyu panicked and instantly let go of her and backed away. He turned away from her quickly, just fast enough to hide his flushed cheeks.

Y/n was embarrassed to be caught in such an act - especially by the victim - and looked away from him the moment his eyes met hers.

She let go of the arrow, not focusing on it at all, still mentally scolding herself for being so reckless with her eyes.

The arrow hit in the blue zone, being the second to outermost level of the target.

She ignored it almost completely, instantly turning to face Beomgyu instead.

"Hey, Beomgyu?"

When his eyes met hers, Y/n realised that she had no idea what she wanted to ask. The words had simply slipped off her tongue and rolled helplessly around the room.

For a second, her mouth moved soundlessly, like a fish out of water. Her brain struggled to conjure up the thought that made her call his name.

This little slip up only resulted in Beomgyu and Y/n holding unnecessary eye contact for a good ten seconds, until Beomgyu took a quick glance at her arrow and cleared his throat.

"Well done. Keep practicing."

Then, without explanation, he left the room.

keeping this chap short n sweet bc i didn't know what else to add :/how we feeling about this??

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keeping this chap short n sweet bc i didn't know what else to add :/
how we feeling about this??

a vote is highly appreciated <33

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