20 ~ Unprofessional

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When everybody else left, Beomgyu hung back in the living room with Soobin, as he had been asked to do before the meeting was dismissed

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When everybody else left, Beomgyu hung back in the living room with Soobin, as he had been asked to do before the meeting was dismissed. His attention was momentarily focused on the two ecstatic girls ascending the staircase, before he looked back to his leader.

Beomgyu rose from the armchair, sinking his hands deep into his pockets. He looked expectantly at Soobin, his head tilted lazily to the side, waiting for him to specify why he was asked to talk privately.


"Yes, hyung?"

Soobin then stayed silent for a moment longer, his expression suggesting that he was contemplating how he should talk to him. Beomgyu didn't notice, as he was too busy wondering what he was going to train with next.

"About Hongjoong..."

All thoughts of knives and guns were washed away like helpless suds, and Beomgyu's full attention was on his leader, for the first time that evening. The pitiful boy entered his head, still weakly using his inhaler and adjusting his lopsided glasses.

"I had no idea he was just a kid. I'm sorry, I should have checked,"

Hearing Soobin apologise for something - that wasn't even his fault, but an honest mistake - was something that was rather uncommon, but not a surprise to see with the specific situation, specifically with Beomgyu.

He was glad to see that Soobin was at least understanding of the situation; Beomgyu from just after leaving the mission was most certainly not glad. A small part of him felt extremely grateful to have a leader like him.

"but I would have much preferred it if you called me before shooting up his setup."

And just like that, the small part was gone.

"What did you expect me to do? Kill a fourteen year old?"

Beomgyu shot at Soobin, almost snapping but not quite.


Wrong words

Soobin sighed deeply, regretting the way he - intended to - gently reprimanded the most dangerous member of the group.

"I'm not saying that. It was a good idea to destroy the computer instead, don't get me wrong. It's just that a gunshot might have attracted attention easily. Maybe confiscating it instead would have been less risky."

Beomgyu nodded, the fiery undertone in his body language extinguished at the reasonable criticism he was receiving.

"Anything else?"

The leader shook his head as a response. Beomgyu took that as his cue to leave, and gave Soobin a nod of greeting.

"Hey, Beomgyu."

Soobin called out to Beomgyu just before he began his ascent up the stairs, stopping him with his foot on the first step. He turned his head around just enough so that Soobin was visible in the corner of his eye.

"You did well. Keep up the good work."

Beomgyu nodded, before making his way up the stairs.


"Do they torture you? Did Taehyun force you to run laps 'till you died? Did Beomgyu use you as his target for gun practice? Did you ask Kai about his plushie collection?"

Rina had led Y/n through a door that was in the kitchen, in turn leading to another room that Y/n had never seen before. Based on all the posters, fairy lights, and the vanity next to the bed, Y/n had made the obvious conclusion that it was Rina's bedroom.

"They aren't that hard on me."

Y/n started, having not mentioned the fainting incident simply because she knew that it was completely from her own actions.

"Why? Have they done things like that to you?"

After Y/n's question, Rina burst out laughing, as if she had instead just told her the funniest joke she had ever heard. Her head rocked backwards and forwards as she wheezed, her cheeks flushing a deep red from lack of oxygen. Y/n remained composed, failing to realise what was so funny about what she had said.

When Rina had finally calmed down a little - hysterical laughter still infecting her lungs, only less - she opened her teary eyes to look at Y/n, seemingly confused that Y/n didn't seem even slightly amused.

"O-oh you were... seriou-"

She was cut off by a new tsunami of cackles erupting from her own lips after realising that Y/n had asked the question genuinely, giving Y/n the seed of a thought that Rina had gone crazy after being locked up with the boys for too long.

Y/n, of course, stayed completely serious, a small part of her feeling offended that her curiousity was being laughed at like a mere joke. Rina's eyes met with Y/n once again and, as if she was an open book, she read her expression and quickly calmed herself down.

"Sorry. That was unprofessional of me."

She spoke in a low tone, trying her best to pass the last few of her giggles as coughs. Y/n accepted the apology with a small nod and smile, her being the easily forgiving type.

"In all seriousness, no, they never mistreated me. Sure, when they gave me standard training, it was difficult at first, and I got a few injuries,"

She gave an obvious glance at Y/n's waist, the bandage peeking out from her partially lifted shirt.

"but it made me stronger, and I ended up being grateful for it. They actually, to this day, are more respectful to me than they are to each other."

A chuckle slipped through her lips as she generally remembered the boys constantly bickering with each other.

Y/n found herself realising that she had never seen the members speak to one another about anything other than mafia-related topics, and that the only thing she had to complain about was her own clumsiness ending up with her getting hurt and her own - admittedly low - stamina causing her get tired easily from her training with Taehyun.

This realisation made her feel like she had been missing out on genuine attempts to make her feel welcome; and it didn't help that Kai had been nothing but kind to her and Beomgyu was unrecognisable from their first encounter.

Rina, who was still fluent in reading people, noticed Y/n's disappointed aura that had changed the whole atmosphere of the room - for her, at least - like the oxygen level had dropped significantly. She smiled a friendly smile and rubbed Y/n's shoulder.

"They'll warm up to you soon enough, don't worry."

Her lowered gaze raised to meet Rina's, and she smiled back at her, the small weight in her heart softening to a dull feeling.

"Now that you're feeling better, let's look at dresses!"

Rina exclaimed excitedly, hopping over to her closet.

Rina exclaimed excitedly, hopping over to her closet

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Short update sry :(

Vote if u stan TXT >:D

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