18 ~ Break-in

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The air - to Y/n at least - was strange in her room as she lay down on her bed, contemplating

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The air - to Y/n at least - was strange in her room as she lay down on her bed, contemplating.

Contemplating on how she should feel about Beomgyu's 'friendliness' that he had shown at the garden just minutes earlier - and the courtesy that he had shown when he had even willingly brought her back to her room instead of giving her the chance of getting caught.

She held her hand against her bandaged waist as a fruitless attempt at calming down the feeling of upset flying insects in her stomach. Fruitless in the sense that just knowing that Beomgyu had caused her to feel that way caused the insects to flutter about her abdomen more vigorously yet.

Y/n caught herself trying to convince herself that he was only acting that way becuse he was too tired - or even fed up - to ignore her and faked being interested in talking to her. But there was a hopeful part of herself that wanted it to be that Beomgyu was being friendly to her because he was at least a little bit fond of her.

Don't get attached. You're escaping soon, remember?

The reminder rung out almost literally in her own ears, seeming to bounce painfully against all sides of her skull that it reached, in the same voice of whoever was trying to convince herself that Beomgyu's 'kindness' was all a manipulative act.

Painfully in the sense that she realised that she didn't enjoy the sound of having to leave the mansion as much as she used to.

What if I don't want to escape?


Beomgyu steadily pulled up to the house after confirming that the neighbours' houses were seemingly deserted, all lights turned out and no cars in the driveways. The tires squelched silently in the mud - silently in the sense that Beomgyu didn't know if he really heard it or if he heard an artificial sound produced by his brain that had unconsciously noticed the mud in the driveway.

The sky was gray and the trees unhappy, as if the world knew that Beomgyu was sent there to kill the inhabitant of that house and it was simply getting ready to mourn his loss.

He subconsciously analysed the appearance of the property, a small sense of disbelief nagging in the back of his mind. It looked like a cute house; the walls a clean white, the roof a bright red, and a beautiful arrangement of daisies under the windowsill.

Who would have guessed a mafia hacker would live here?

He brought out his phone, double-checking the details on the man's profile. He usually didn't mind the fickle details of the person he was sent after, but his curiousity suggested that the hacker might either be married or live at a different house; it seemed like a family property.

'Lim Hongjoong'

His eyes shot to the 'Marital Status' subheading, only to see that he was single. The address was correct, too.

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