Gone girl

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Juliet POV:
Tears streamed down my face as I threw myself onto my bed. I hated my parents so much! They didn't understand me and never would. Nothing that I took seriously they ever would. Saying I was "A terrible singer" and my "career was going nowhere". Every Night at dinner this happened, including tonight. Usually I just sat there and took it but tonight I got so fed up I left. I did t even want to think about how much trouble I was in. My dad would come marching up the stairs after dinner to beat me. Sometimes my mom would watch.

Thinking about all the abuse and suffering I had endured in this house I came to a conclusion. I needed to get out. Wiping away the last of the tears I began to pack a bag. Some shirts, some pants, etc... A ton of money that I had saved up for this exact purpose and the two most important things. My acoustic guitar and the tickets to Black Veil Brides I had secretly bought. They were my favorite band! Ashley was the hottest, like perfection.

Shooting one last look back at my old room and my old life I hopped out my first story window and ran. Ran like my life depended on it. My parents would be going in and looking for me soon so I had to get out fast. Walking down the sidewalk by our house you could hear them yelling through the open window. No wonder all our neighbours hated us. I just kept on walking, I had no idea where I was. We moved a lot because my parents never payed bills. Therefore I had absolutely no idea where I was. Great!

"Just think of what Ashley Purdy would do" I told myself trying to calm down. What would Ashley Purdy do? Probably phone a friend or go to a strip club. And honestly neither of those things were an option for me. So I decided to try and find a place to stay for the night. Pulling out the iPhone(that I payed for) I asked siri where the nearest motel was. A mile and a half away, great!

The air was chilly out so I was glad I had my sweatshirt on. Fall air burning my nose. With every step I took leaves crunched beneath me. My phone said I was about halfway there when I heard horns and saw lights behind me. Turning around I realised in horror that it was my parents. They were yelling out the window. Panicking I jumped into the woods next to the road. Praying they wouldn't find me or care enough to look. "We don't want you that bad." I heard my "dad" yell out the window and keep driving. It didn't even hurt anymore, I was just glad he kept driving.

I waited a little while in case they were circling around. They didn't. Deeming it safe to leave and continue walking I got out. Once again walking in silence, no cars passing me. All alone.

Around 10 I finally reached the motel. It was not the most promising looking place. But I had no money and no options. Walking in I saw the lady at the front desk. Slightly heavy, big frizzy brown hair, only about 3 teeth and a name tag that said "Meredith". Nice. "Room for one night please" I asked pleasantly hoping it would be cheap. "That will be $35" she croaked back to me and held out her hand expectingly. Thank god it was this cheap. Giving her the money she gave me a key and I headed to my room.

When I got there I understood why it had been so cheap. Old ripped curtains, writing all over the walls, stained carpets, dingy and thin sheets. Perfect!

Setting my suitcase down next to my bed I began to get ready for the night. Putting on pajamas, showering, cleaning my septum piercing, and taking all my makeup off. Now it was like 11 so I decided to just go to bed. I had school and a concert tomorrow.

And with that I fell into the best most peaceful sleep I had in a long time.

So I'm taking a break In between my Ashley stories and decided to write some Andliet! Chapters may be shorter in this, not totally sure. But yeah, and slow updates!

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