This isnt happening!

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1 Month later:
Juliet POV:
Ever since me and Cc had sex everything has changed. And not for the better. Whenever we are sitting together he doesn't seem like he wants to put his arm around me or hold my hand. He was never like this before. The worst part is that whenever he looks at me there's one clear emotion in his eyes. Disgust. My boyfriend probably thinks I'm a slut.

In a couple shows the tour will be done, where will I stay? The guys have been so nice to me but I'm not making a ton of money from the touring since I showed up at the end of the tour and I'm a supporting act. Maybe everything will go back to the way it was before I met the band. I can start a solo act.

"Hey Juliet. The band are going out to lunch and I was wondering if you wanted to come with" Cc popped his head into my bunk, the same look in his eyes. Holding back tears I shook my head. Frowning he closed the curtains and started to walk away. Oh and Cc don't you think it's a little hypocritical of you to think your girlfriends a slut when your the second biggest man whore in the band" I sobbed quietly to myself in my bunk. "It's... It's not that darling. I swear" he mumbled before walking out. Once again I had ruined another relationship. Except I had actually enjoyed this one. Fuck. Once I heard all the guys leave I made the decision to leave my bunk. We had dropped one of the roadies off in the last city so I got my own bunk. That's right, me and Cc don't even sleep in the same bunk anymore.

Looking in the mirror I saw how terrible I actually looked. The only days I actually got dressed and put on makeup were show days. But I think the fans were starting to notice the tension between me and Cc. They weren't idiots. You know what, today was going to be different. I was going to dress up and go to the town and have fun. That's right, fun! Searching through my closet I found my favorite crop top and shorts with a cute pair of combat boots. Walking into the bathroom I put on some foundation and did my eyes with black wings and a berry color on my lips. Curling my now brown hair and putting it into a pony tail I smiled. Looking into the mirror I actually felt pretty. Like I mattered. Like I could be loved.

Stepping out of the bathroom I saw the guys were back. Their heads whipped around when they heard me. Standing there awkwardly they stared me down. "Wow. You look nice? Got plans" Ashley asked looking shocked. "Err.. Yeah, I was gonna go out and head to the mall. Maybe look at some cheap apartments in or near San Diego" I quickly answered looking at the laptop in my arms. "Your going to look for houses?" Cc asked looking a little hurt. "Umm.. Yeah" I admitted looking down. "Why can't you just come live with me? We are dating" he said like it was obvious. "Don't fuck with yourself. You know that won't work. We can all see how much you hate me and that you think I'm a whore" I spat suddenly angry. Not even giving him a chance to reply I stormed out and headed to the nearest Starbucks.

Once inside I ordered my Mocha and sat down opening my laptop. Sipping quietly on the drink I searched up apartments in the San Diego area. San Diego would be the best for working on my career. Very quickly it became evident none of these would ever work. Who knew it would be so expensive? There was absolutely no way I could afford any of these. I probably couldn't even afford to live in a shoe box! Groaning I laid my head on the table in defeat. Someone's knees brushed against mine signaling someone was sitting across from me. Looking up I saw it was Andy. My heart fluttered a couple beats but I quickly told it to stop, I was still with cc. "How's it going? Not well I'm guessing by how I found you" He raised a brow. "Honestly I don't think I could afford a fucking shoe box in this city" I sighed drinking some of my coffee.

"Look it, I know that you an Cc have been stressed lately but I still think you should give it a chance and move in with him. If it doesn't work you can come live with me" Andy sighed looking at me. Pain in his eyes. "You think so?" I asked wanting an honest answer. "I do. Now Cc actually sent me here to get you. He wanted to talk to you. Apologize for everything" He smiled practically blinding me with his bright white teeth. Agreeing I got up with Andy. Quickly ordering another mocha for the way home. A laptop in one hand a coffee in the other we walked back to the bus. We walked in a comfortable silence, there was nothing to say.

Andy opened the bus door like a gentleman for me, I walked in thanking him and placing my laptop on the counter. "How'd house hunting go" Ashley asked from the couch. "Terrible. Cc I heard you wanted to talk to me" I answered looking around the room for Cc. "He's out back of the bus, waiting for you" Jinxx replied pointing outside of the bus. Nodding I headed out the door nervously.

Just as Jinxx had said Cc was standing outside the bus. "Hey babe" I said anxiously standing next to him. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry for how I've been acting. It's inexcusable: I'm a total ass. Ever since that night I feel disgusted with myself. You were drunk for heavens sake." He sighed his voice cracking indicating he was crying. "It's ok, I forgive you. We can be happy together. We can live together and remake this relationship" I smiled happily.

"No, you don't understand Juliet. You deserve more then me, someone who can take better care of you then I ever could. Every time I look at you or think about you I hate myself. If you still need a place to live my house is obviously still open but as a friends." he hugged me for the first time in forever. Surprisingly I felt no anger, just disappointment. He was right, this was healthy. The relationship we had right now was not what we had in the beginning. "I understand, but don't worry. Andy already said I could live with him" I hugged him harder before pulling away. "Friends" Cc asked nervously. "Best friends" I smiled back although inside I felt empty.

Leaning up against the side of the bus I began to process this new information. I wasn't mad at Cc in the slightest, I just felt empty. He was completely right. Would I ever love again?

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