Night of a lifetime

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Juliet POV:
Grabbing my guitar from the corner I took a deep breath. I could do this! Juliet Nicole Simms could do this! Pretend I was just playing and singing in my room, to all my stuffed animals. My guitar slung over my shoulder I made my way out on stage, hopefully no one could tell how nervous I was. The second I walked out the crowd went wild! Cheering their lungs out! Zit felt amazing! Smiling I stood in front of the microphone and started to strum away, singing a song I had written when I was at home. It was called Evangeline.

*Insert song lyrics*

The entire time I had never been more scared or excited in my life. The biggest audience I had ever sung in front of was the group of people today in front of the venue. I just let my voice take control, of Ashley thought I could, then I could!

You could barely even see anyone in the audience the lights were so bright. Before I even knew it my song was over. Once again the room erupted in cheers. Never before had I felt so elated and proud. "Isn't the amazing guys" Andy said into the microphone making me blush. The entire audience started cheering, some of it was negative but I ignored that. For once in my life I felt like I really could do this! Even though my parents told me I never could, I could! Look at all these people cheering! Grinning like a madman I did a little bow and walked off the stage.

Even the security guard congratulated me when I got off stage. The rest of the show I spent grinning and feeling so happy. This was definitely the best night of my life. No question. Walking off stage I felt like I was walking on clouds. They went on with the rest of the show, but honestly I was kind of distracted the entire time. Thinking about what I had just done,bwho had been in that audience, etc.... Like what if a famous record producer was standing in the audience and he now knew my name! One thing was for sure, I was forever in debt to Black Veil Brides.

"Thanks for an amazing FUCKING SHOW! You guys are the best" Andy shouted into the microphone sending the crowd over the edge. The guys all came up and did their little bow thing, like the brothers they were. "And can we get one last cheer for the beautiful girl standing backstage- JULIET FUCKING SIMMS!" Ash shouted into his microphone. I practically fainted on the spot. Had Ashley Purdy just called ME beautiful? This was not happening right now. Besides, he was just saying it to be nice or he was just talking about my voice. No one had ever called me beautiful. Except for Andy....

Finally the guys walked off stage, the crowd still cheering "BLACK VEIL BRIDES, BLACK VEIL BRIDES". When they got close enough to me for me to see their face I could tell they were all grinning ear to ear. Just like I had when I was walking off stage. Closing my eyes a second, I tried to tackle the realness of tonight. My parents were gone, I had met black veil brides, watched a black veil brides show side stage, played in a black veil brides show and had the bassist call me beautiful. Best night ever!

Suddenly I felt my body being hugged by a hot sweaty person, and I'm pretty sure I knew who it was. "What are you thinking about? You did soooooo good tonight" Cc's voice rang in my ear. "Nothing, don't worry about it. And thank you! It means a lot! I was so nervous" I blushed into Cc's hug. "Don't be nervous, you were fucking amazing" Ashley said from behind me. My knees turned to jelly. "Thanks Ashley" I blushed even harder grabbing onto Cc so he couldn't leave the hug exposing my blushing face. "I like that you like long hugs. I love long hugs" Cc whispered into my ear. "I do like long hugs" I admitted whispering in his ear. "Maybe Ashley can long hug you sometime" he chuckled into my ear.

Immediately I pulled away shooting Cc death glares. He laughed at me and went to go get some water. This time Andy spoke: "Yeah, you were amazing! If you weren't so young and didn't have school I would totally have you open for us". He was probably just saying that to be nice. I shouldn't tell him I actually already graduated and are talking college classes online.

"Yeah, that would be awesome" I laughed nervously, hoping he wouldn't ask about my school. Considering I didn't really have one it would be kind of hard to explain it. "Maybe we could just keep her forever and hide her in our bus" Jake suggested brightly. "Oh! You mean like kidnap her! What a great idea" Jinxx said sarcastically from behind me.

I made the mistake of turning around because what I saw was possibly traumatising. "CHRISTIAN FUCKING MORA PUT SOME GOD DAMN CLOTHES ON" I yelled at the completely nude Cc that was standing behind me. Everyone laughed, especially Cc. "Oooh! Bro, she used your full name" Jake laughed. "Sorry about that Juliet, you were turned around so I thought it was ok. I was just changing out of my sweaty stage clothes" Cc chuckled now holding a towel up in front of him.

Soon Cc was fully clothed and we could leave, apparently I wasn't aloud to leave without the band because I might tell people where they were. Walking down the hallway I got ready to exit out the door into the lobby and head to the lines at the signing. "Woah! Were are you going missy" Jinxx questioned as I got ready to slip out the door. "Umm... I was gonna go get in line for the signing" I said confused. Where else did they expect me to go? "Your coming with us! To SIGN at the SIGNING" Andy cheered and did a little dance.

"Oh, really!" I grinned a slight blush coming back to my face. "Yeah! Now come along princess" Ash winked at me. Holy shit! "Awesome" I squeaked trying not to freak out by what Ash had just sad to me. No one seemed to notice. Finally we were at the signing.


After the signing I headed to the front door of the lobby, all the guys had given me their number. Even Ashley! "Wait! We can all walk you to your car" Andy suggested. Honestly, I was actually a little relieved because it was really dark. But then I remembered, I had to walk home. All of my money was back at the hotel. I hadn't planned on staying this late at the concert and thought it would be light enough to walk home. "Sorry guys, but I'm walking to my mote-home" I quickly corrected myself from saying motel.

"We can't let you walk home tonight! You can stay in our bus with us tonight" Jinxx frowned when he heard I was walking home. "No, I really can't take one of you guys bunks" I tried to convince them to let me walk home. "Nope, looks like the decision has already been made! You can sleep in my bunk with me" Ash grinned. Next thing I knew I was being slung over someone's shoulder. "Ashley! Let me go" I laughed beating lightly on his back. He just wiggled his butt in response.

"Hey Jinxx, remember when you said kidnapping was a bad idea" I said sarcastically still slung over Ashley's shoulder. "Don't worry! We can just drive you home tomorrow" he smiled. I heard my guitar being played. Panicking I liked around to see Cc playing my guitar. But as I listened I noticed it actually sounded good, like really good. Then I remembered, CC played ukulele. He wouldn't hurt my guitar. Relaxing finally I felt cold outdoor air on my face. We must be outside by the bus.

I saw the side of the bus and then found myself inside it. We all watched some television and then I decided to go to bed. Right now I was practically dead on my feet. "I'm gonna go to bed too guys" Ash yawned standing up. We both headed to the back, Ash stripped down to his boxers immediately and hopped into what I'm assuming was his bunk. The bunk I would be sharing with him tonight. Oh my Jinxx. Remembering I didn't have any sleep clothes I realised I was gonna have to sleep in this. God damn it. "You can borrow one of my shirts" Ashley said from behind me, I turned to look at him.

"Thanks dude, where are they?" I asked honestly thankful. "In that drawer right there" he said pointing at a little row of drawers built into the bus. Opening it I grabbed a random black shirt and threw it on. Taking all my clothes off once it was on. The shirt was long enough on me to cover up my bottom. Thanking Ashley I climbed into bed with him. But I don't think I had realised how hard sleeping on a bus would be. "Ashley! I'm gonna fall out of the bunk! Can I sleep on the inside" I begged as the truck hit another bump.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall" he chuckled and I felt his arms wrap around me. Even though I was freaking out I had to admit I wasn't at risking of falling out of the bunk anymore. "Night Ashes" I whispered just before I fell asleep in Ashley Purdys arms.

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