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Juliet POV:
As soon as he said that he was breaking up with me I felt empty. Who would ever love me? How had I been so foolish to think he would actually always care about me? The guys were somewhere nearby, probably walking around town. Cc was still in the bus, alone. I couldn't go back in there, that would be so awkward. Pulling out my phone I did the only thing I could think to do, call Andy.

After four rings I got a little nervous, what if he didn't pick up? But on the 5th ring he picked up, thankfully. "Hey JuJu what's wrong?" Andy slurred obviously drunk. "Nothing really... It's just Cc just broke up with me" I answered my voice cracking. Almost instantly his voice was serious: "Don't worry darling, I'll be there soon. Just stay there. Is Cc in the bus" he asked sympathetically. "Ok.. And yes" I answered finally letting the tears fall down my cheeks. "Darling I will be there in about 5 minutes, we are going to get a hotel room for us to spend the night. Everything will be fine." his cool dark voice promised through the phone. His voice used to make my heart flutter, but now... Now nothing would, love was dead to me.

Sliding down the side of the bus I sat on the gravel. Tears flowing out of my eyes, but I didn't even care. Crying with my head down I felt someone tap my shoulder, expecting it to be Andy I looked up. It was Cc. He looked pained, tear stains on his cheek. "I love you, I do. This just wasn't meant to be, we weren't supposed to take it so far. Everything will be ok and you might even thank me. I love and care about you as a sister, please don't hate me forever" he pleaded looking down. "We will get through this, I promise. Someday it will be like this never happened." and I said that honestly and with full faith that it would happen. We could get over this, I knew it. Reaching in for a hug we hugged for a while, just letting go.

The sound of a second pair of boots crunching gravel told me that Andy was here. Pulling away I looked back I saw it was Andy. "Hey JuJu" he smiled softly, mustering up the energy to smile back. "Chris, I'm gonna take Juliet to a hotel tonight just to get away from the situation. To clear her head" Andy placed an arm around my waist protectively. I had never heard anyone address cc with his full name. Wow....

Cc looked down, nodding. "Ok, just take good care of her for me. She's part of the mora family" You could hear how serious he was. Was I really like a sister to him? My heart warmed a bit at the thought.

"Of course, do we have a show tomorrow?" Andy asked still wrapping his arm around me. Cc nodded giving us one last look before walking back into the bus. "Let's go" Andy said softly. Nodding I turned around and we began to walk to the road. Since we weren't from the area we had no idea where any hotels were so Andy looked some up in his phone and found one about a mile and a half away. Flagging down a taxi we rode to the hotel in silence. Me crying leaning on Andy, his hand on my knee comforting me. In about a minute we were there, the fee was only like $5 since it was such a short ride.

Walking inside the lobby it was definitely classier then the hotel I had stayed in when I ran away but then again, pretty much everything was. "One room two beds please" Andy asked the lady behind the counter. "Sir I'm sorry but we only have rooms with one king sized bed. You and your little girlfriend will have to share a bed" she frowned her voice sounding like she had spent the last 30 years screaming so now all her voice could be was a whisper. Andy looked down at me, asking if that was ok. "That's fine, I don't really want to be alone tonight either" I admitted. "That will be $100 and it comes with a complimentary breakfast. Room 246 floor 3" she croaked again.

Reaching into my purse I grabbed the money but looked up and saw that Andy was already paying. "Andy! I can pay, I'm the whole reason we're even here" I gasped. "Juliet, I got this. Don't worry about it. Being a rockstar pays well enough" Andy said firmly, not willing to let me pay. Rolling my eyes I gave up, I would just put the money in his wallet later. The lady gave us our room keys and we headed to our room in silence. "Thank you, for taking me away" I said sincerely. I have no idea what I would do if I had to stay on that bus tonight. "Did you know? That he was going to break up with me?" I asked. What if everyone except for me knew? "No. None of us did. Cc feels really bad about this, he loves you. Just not as a girlfriend" Andy promised sliding the key into the door.

The room was average, we were only staying for one night so it didn't really matter anyways. Thankfully the bed was actually quite large so we would have space. "Come talk and lay with me" Andy beckoned for me to follow him as he laid on the bed. Crawling under the covers of the bed I was warm and comfortable. "Here, wear my shirt to bed. It will be more comfortable and should be long enough" Andy smiled seeing I was still in my skinny jeans and tight crop top. Smiling gratefully I took the shirt from him. Changing in the bathroom I was much comfier. "Better?" He questioned making me blush. "Much better" I smiled sheepishly.

"Good! Now come talk to me" Andy patted the bed next to him. "What did he say... Like how did he do it" He asked cautiously. "He was out behind the bus, waiting for me. Once I got out there he started apologizing for how he took my... my virginity when I was drunk. Said he hated himself whenever he looked at me and he couldn't do it anymore. That I would find someone to love me like he couldn't" I was in tears by the time I finished speaking. "Well aren't you glad now you can really find your true love? Your real Prince Charming? Cc still loves you, just not romantically." He comforted me. "You really think so? It's just that I thought I was in love with him" I cried harder at the last part. "Darling if it was love... if it was love it will work. When it is love you and him will be together forever" Andy squeezed my hand under the blanket.

"Even though he was your first someone out there will be your last and you will love them" he spoke seriously. "Thank you Andy. You've made me feel so much better" I said honestly, no one else would've known exactly what to say like he did. Laying my head down on Andy's cool shoulder I closed my eyes. His voice began to fill my ears, he began to sing "Space enough to grow" by Of Mice and Men. I didn't even make it to the end of the song until his voice sang me to sleep.

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