Kicked out?

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Juliet POV:
Heading back to my motel room I got the perfect idea. There was still like 3 hours until the concert started and I had just earned like $500. Why not go get a new outfit? Grabbing my purse and putting all the money I had earned in it I got ready to head out. All I really had to do was walk down the street to the mall, I was in the big city now!

The first store I went to was... Wait for it.... HOT TOPIC! Scanning the shirts I found the perfect one. It was a white crop top that said "I prefer the bass players". Maybe Ashley would fall madly in love with me once he saw it. A girl can dream anyways. Next I spied the perfect pair of shorts. They were pretty short, but not a slurry short leather pair of shorts. I also grabbed a new pair of black and white polka dot vans. The total rang up to be about $200 but I didn't care. If I kept doing this singing thing everyday I would be fine.

Before I left the mall I stopped and got some starbucks. Obviously! Looking at my watch I saw I only had like 1 hour until the concert! Quickly hailing a taxi I threw $20 in the front seat and told them to take me to the venue. Since I would probably get there 20 minutes early I could change there. Maybe I would even have time to buy some merch.

The taxi driver pulled up in front of the venue and I threw myself out without looking back. Running inside I found the nearest bathroom and put on my new clothes. They fit perfectly!

The doors would open in about 10 minutes so I decided to just go wait by them, nothing else to do. Taking my backstage pass necklace out of my bag and putting it on just so I wouldn't forget later. As I was standing there someone tapped my shoulder. Turning around I saw it was this really tall giant man wearing a security uniform. What did I do now? "Ma'am can I see your backstage passes for a second" he asked gruffly. What was wrong? Andy wouldn't give me fake passes would he? That asshole! "Sure" I said nervously holding up the pass for him. After inspecting it for what felt like forever he looked up and said "Follow me please". Oh my God. I was getting kicked out. BY THE LEAD SINGER! Right now I wanted to cry, I had been looking forward to this for months. MONTHS!

It seemed like the security guard was leading me out the back door because we didn't go towards the outside of the building. More like through the middle. It was an awkward silence, like he didn't know how badly I wanted to cry right now. Dick. Finally we stopped in front of a door. This was it, my dreams being crushed right now. Yayy..... He opened the door for me and said "Enjoy your show from this view please" and left.

Turning around from the door I realised I had not been led outside but in fact somewhere beyond my wildest dreams. In front of me was all of Black Veil Brides in all their glory. Leather clad warming up their instruments. They hadn't realised that I had come in until the door shut with a loud thud.

Ashley was the first to speak: "Well who's this sexy lady". My face flushed brighter then Ash Costellos hair. "She's the girl I gave the passes to" Andy spoke up smiling. Now Jinxx decided to speak "The one who can sing?". Once again I blushed a bright red. So much for first impressions.

"Yeah, she's fucking sick" Andy grinned. "Sing something for us!" Cc cheered looking genuinely excited to see me. "Really? You want to hear me sing?" I asked surprised. I wasn't even that good. Everyone nodded feverishly. Shit, now I actually had to sing something. Off the top of my head I decided to sing "Madness" by sleeping with sirens. No one made a noise for the whole 3 minutes I spent singing. Most stressful 3 minutes of my life.

Once I finished everyone burst out clapping. Looking.... Impressed? "Andy was right! Your amazing. No wonder he wouldn't shut up about you" Jake grinned standing up giving me a hug. "Jake shut the fuck up" I heard Andy mumble making me giggle.

The guys were actually super cool. Especially Andy. We had like a half hour to hang out before the show. The show that I would be watching SIDE STAGE! Soon a worker came in and announced the show would be starting in like 5 min so we needed to head out. Show time I guess? The boys rushed out on stage, doing their own little thing. I stood side stage, completely in awe. The show was amazing. Their was a ton of kids tonight, singing and screaming along as the band played. Watching them I realised something. Here they were, doing exactly what they wanted to do. Making music and saving kids lives. That's what I wanted to do! Somehow someway I would make it happen!

They had just finished playing "Crown of Thorns" when I noticed Andy clearing his throat. "Today I was walking around outside before the show when I saw something amazing. A young girl was sitting in front of our venue singing her full heart out at 6 in the morning. She then used the money she earned to pay for her lunch and I'm guessing taxi back home and to the mall. Doing what she loves to provide for herself. That's what we do, she just does it on a smaller scale. But tonight I want to give her a chance to do it on our scale. Juliet please come out and sing for us" Andy barely finished before the crowd started cheering.

I froze up, I wasn't ready for this! But then I remembered my dreams, who knows who was sitting in that audience! This could be my chance! A grabbing my acoustic guitar from the ground I gathered all my courage and walked out on stage.

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