My first show

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Juliet POV:
Sunshine filtered in through the blinds waking me up. Once again I found myself waking up in the arms of the one and only Andy Biersack. Then I remembered. Today was my first show! To say I was excited would be a major understatement. This was a make or break moment in my career. If the fans liked me tonight who knows what could happen. My parents would be home sitting on their lazy asses and there I would be on TV. But then I remembered why I was sleeping on the couch instead of a bunk. And what Ashley said to me. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe I could try to fall back asleep and get ready for my show. Nuzzling my head into the crook of Andy's neck welcoming the darkness it provides.

Just as I was about to drift back off to sleep with the still sleeping Andy I heard the voice I least wanted too: "Hey sleepyhead. Looks like we weren't the only ones to have fun last night". "Shut the fuck up Ashley. Your such an asshole" I said through gritted teeth. Before I let the tears that were in my eyes fall in front of them I got up and ran back into the bunk room. Tears were already freely flowing down my face when I pulled the curtain behind me into the bunk room. I sat on Andy's bed, since it was the only one that hadn't been "used". Sitting down I curled myself into a ball in the corner of his bunk and began to cry. "Juliet! What's wrong? I was just kidding" Ashley said from outside the door. "Do you even remember what you said last night to me? Fucking asshole" I replied bitterly. Silence. He really didn't remember.

"I'm sorry, I don't... Whatever I said I didn't mean. I'm a dick when I'm drunk Juliet. I'm so sorry" Ashley pleaded and I didn't reply. I heard him sit down outside the door, great. Suddenly a black ball of hair popped down from the bunk above me: "What's wrong kiddo" Cc asked looking concerned. "Is... is she still up there" I asked cautiously. No way I was even gonna think of telling him if that slut was up there.

"Haha, nope! She left a while ago. Then I went back to bed. You do know it's noon right" he laughed and pulled himself down next to me in Andy's bunk. "So tell me what Ashley said" he said once again serious. Sighing I began to tell him: "He came in the bunk last, and of course I was expecting he had a girl. But when he walked in he was like "Mmmm... Ima go fuck this bitch Andy. Maybe you could bring Juliet back and show her how to have a good time. You know how I like my women- with open legs". Then he started kissing and touching her and brought her back. His words stung so badly. I've only had one boyfriend and he broke up with me because I was a virgin and I refused to sleep with him. Ash had always been such a huge role model to me but then I'm that moment he was a... a..." I said looking for the word. "Drunken asshole that no one should have to be around" Ashley said weakly from outside. Fuck. I didn't realize he could hear me.

Cc took me and hugged me: "Cc I'm thankful for the hug and all but... You smell like sex and sweat. Can I just talk to Ash". Nodding Cc left shooting me a reassuring smile as Ash walked in. As Ashley walked in he looked embarrassed and disgusted. "Juliet, I am so fucking sorry. None of what I said was true at all. I regret saying that more then anything. Please forgive me" he asked looking down. Seeing Ashley like this made me know he was sad, he felt bad. Hugging him he hugged me back almost squeezing the living day lights out of me. "You don't deserve to live with an asshole like me. I understand if you want your own bus, we will pay for it" Ashley frowned. Was he serious? "Ashley I don't want a separate bus! I forgive you, you were drunk. Now I just know not to get drunk around you" I smiled honestly.

"Guys sound check in 15 min. Someone wake Andy up" Jinxx called from the front of the bus. "I'll wake him up" I grinned wickedly. Starting at the back of the bus I took a running start and leaped onto Andy, instantly waking him up. "WHAT THE FU-ck! Oh hey Juliet" he said with wide eyes."Hey white rabbit. Sound check in 15" I teased sticking my tongue out.

Skipping to show:
Ok! This was it! I was about to play at a Black Veil Brides concert. Holy fuck. "Juliet Simms on in 30 seconds. Let's go people" someone shouted making my heart beat even faster. Someone placed their hand on the small of my back. Turning around I was surprised when I saw who it was. "Good Luck! Your gonna be amazing" they smiled pushing me out towards the stage making me blush.

Looking out towards the crowd I saw my career, it was sitting right in front of me and all I had to do was grab it. Cc, Jinxx and Jake were filling in for the drum, guitar and bass parts. And yes, Jake knows how to play bass. Picking up the mic I began to sing. It felt amazing, such a rush.

Skipping show:
Sweating and smiling I jogged off stage as the crowd went absolutely crazy. It was the best show I had ever played in my life. More or less the only show. "You were amazing JuJu" the same voice as before the show said and I turned around. Next thing I knew a pair of lips were pressed against mine, and I kissed back. How had I not noticed? I liked them! Pulling away I looked back into the chocolate brown eyes of my love before they whispered into my ear: "Be mine". All I could do was nod and throw my lips back onto theirs.

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