Last show last love

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3 days later
Juliet POV:
Tonight was the last show of the tour. To say I was dreading it was an understatement. This tour had been the best and worst time of my life. What I would after the tour I wasn't totally positive, Andy said I could live with him but I didn't want to be a burden. I would make this the best show of the tour, I had too. Standing backstage I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a sheer and sparkly body suit from dolls kill, my favourite store. And some beige boots. *Knock Knock* I went to go answer the door. "Hey, they told me come down here and tell you that your on in 10" Cc stood in our doorway wearing what little war paint remained in their set. I didn't mind their lack of war paint, I fell in love with them because of their lyrics. Not how they dress. "Ok, I'll be right up" I smiled. Our relationship was slowly returning back to normal. Andy was right. "I'll just wait for you and walk up with you. This place is confusing, I got lost on my way to your room" he chuckled stepping into the room.

Quickly applying a last coat of my berry matte lipstick I was ready to go. "I'm ready, let's head up. Last show of the tour" I sighed as it finally hit me. "So much had changed since I first met Andy on that street corner" I giggled thinking back to how awkward we had both been. "Or when we yelled at that lady in the hotel for calling you a slut" he flashed his crooked smile. "All those drunken crazy nights" i smiled remembering all the crazy parties. "Drunken mistakes" Cc frowned slightly. "Chris. You know that was just as much if not more my fault then yours. Besides we got past it, I barely remember it" I sighed. This would always be a sore spot for him.

"I'm still sorry" he replied opening the door for me. "Well don't let it ruin you. I'm about to go have the best show of my life and don't need your bad vibes affecting me" I only half teased grabbing my guitar. "Love you sis" he hugged me as the stage manager ushered me onto the stage.

That night the stage was all mine. Amy fan base had grown substantially since the beginning of tour. It was amazing. My dreams were coming true! Every song I have 130%, the crowd did the same. The house favourite was House of the rising sun. I was so sweaty and my throat would hurt tomorrow but I didn't care, I was having a blast. My soul was in every lyric, my life in every song.

The end of my set seemed to cons much too soon, we were all disappointed. Saying my goodbyes and thanking everyone I made my way off stage to be greeted by a giant group hug. "You were fucking amazing" Jinxx grinned adrenaline in his eyes. "Your house of the rising sun was possible better the Five Finger Death Punchs! You are one amazing chick" Jake congratulated me. "That was amazing! Your gonna put us out of business" Ash joked giving me a kiss on the cheek before running out on stage after Jake and Jinxx. "Fuckin perfect! Watching your shows give me hope for music. You were the shit" Cc hugged me running out blowing me a kiss as he ran out. Me and Andy were the only ones left side stage.

"That was... Wow! Honestly probably one of the best shows I've ever seen. I'm so glad I found you, playing that little street. You changed all our lives" Andy sighed looking into my eyes. We were so close. "You've always been there for me, no matter what. What happened out there was all because of you" I blushed but spoke the truth. "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. What happened out there is a product of the love, spirit and talent in your heart" he placed a hand on my cheek. "Perhaps" I mumbled before Andy began to lean on closer. Closer and closer, soon our lips were touching. Fireworks went off inside me like never before. Even with Cc it had never felt like this. This was love. Love. It felt like this. After another quick peck on the cheek Andy ran back out onto the stage leaving me swooning side stage.

That night we partied so fucking hard, it was fucking crazy. End of tour parties are legendary. We were all drunk of our ass by 11 and we had to be home by tomorrow. Our poor driver. After a while everything was a big blur. Someone grabbed my hand and kissed me leading me into the bunks, this should be fun!


"FUCKING AYE MY HEAD" I heard someone complain from next to me. What had happened? Checking under the blankets I confirmed I was naked, fuck. Looking next to me I hoped and prayed that it would at least be Andy. No such luck. It was Ashley. Horror filled me, what had I done? "Oh hey Jul- Oh fuck!" Ash realised what had happened as tears began to fill my eyes. "I'm a slut, just another one of Ashley Purdys sluts. Fuck me!" I began to cry. This was much worse then sleeping with Cc, me and him had been in a
committed relationship. "Sweetie your not a slut, we both made a big mistake" Ashley tried comforting me but I scooted into the corner of the bunk. Making sure to keep myself covered with the sheets. "Darling your okay, I don't even remember it. Here take my shirt, let down the blanket" he tossed me a shirt from the end of the bed.

"Slut, slut, slut. They were right" I kept muttering under my breath unable to focus on the shirt Ash was giving me. "Here darling, I'm going to put on you. Promise I won't look" he said and pried the sheets from my numb fingers exposing my top half and quickly pulling the shirt over my head. "I'm just a slut, that's it!" I began to sob throwing myself onto Ashley embracing him. "Shhh... Sweetie your not even close to a slut. At all. Your a girl who made a mistake when she was happy and drunk. We both were, your not a slut in any way" he comforted me running my back.

"Can you guys keep it THE FUCK DOWN! Some of us are hungover" someone groaned from the bunk room. "Your not a slut Juliet love, your human and you made a mistake" Ashley continued to comfort my shaking body. "I said shut the fuck up" the same voice groaned pulling open the curtain that blacked off the bunk. Now everyone in the bunk room could see me sobbing into Ashley's arm half naked. "Andy please just go away" Ash begged seeing the anger and hurt filling his face. Now Andy hated me. "You.... ASSHOLE!" Andy screeched jumping into the bunk and started to beat the naked Ashley up. He tried to shield me but Andy hadn't realised that I was being held by Ashley.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain across my skull and everything went black. Darkness for a slut like me.

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