Did i do something wrong?

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3 Weeks later:
Juliet POV:
Me and Cc were doing great. It really seemed like we were onto something. Could this be it? Was I in... in love? This wasn't like any other relationship I had ever had before, it was different. It was good. And yes, I know your wondering about the physical aspect of our relationship. No, we haven't gone farther then kidding. Cc seemed just as nervous as me, which surprised me. Obviously he wasn't as much of a man whore as Andy had said. In fact Andy seemed like almost as much of a man whore as Ashley lately. He brought girls back to the bus almost every night. One of the reasons we had both hesitant physically was that Cc knew I was a virgin, he said he wanted it to be perfect.

"Hey babe" Cc walked into the kitchen distracting me from my thoughts. His crazy morning hair made me smile, he was so handsome. "Let me make you some breakfast! You had a crazy show last night" I offered taking some eggs out of the refrigerator along with a bowl from the cupboard. "Love-did you forget you had a show last night also? In a huge venue? Let me make you breakfast" he said softly taking the eggs and bowl out of my hand. My heart melted at his sweetness. "Ok, let's compromise. How about I help you make breakfast for the rest of the guys?" I asked hopefully, I didn't want to be seen as helpless.

Looking thoughtful for a couple of seconds he finally nodded: "Ok princess, you make the guys toast and coffee and I will handle everything else". Rolling my eyes I gave in secretly in love with his cuteness. Making 12 pieces of toast for all six of us was actually harder then you would think. Well the toast was cooking I grabbed 6 mugs out of the cupboard and started to make coffee. Luckily we had a Keurig so all I had to do was pop the little flavor cups in and a cup of coffee would pop out. In Between cups I would put 2 new slices of bread in the toaster. All the while Cc was humming, tapping and dancing all while he made eggs, bacon and sausage. That man never ceased to amaze me.

About 20 minutes later breakfast was ready. Almost as soon as we placed the food on the table all the other guys appeared from the bunk room. Typical men.

"Thanks Juliet! Your the best" Jinxx patted me on the head and sat down digging into his breakfast. "Yeah thanks JuJu! I love bacon" Jake grinned eyeing the food on the table hungrily. "Hey Juliet, thanks for making us breakfast. If only we always had someone to do that" Ashley actually hugged me before sitting down. Finally Andy came out: "Thanks guys, smells delicious" is all he said before sitting down. Barely even looking at us. "At least someone thanked me! Thanks Andy" Cc mumbled snaking his arm around me.

Me and Cc sat down to enjoy the wonderful breakfast we had cooked. We were quite proud of ourselves if you couldn't tell. Not to brag, but it was absolutely delicious! After breakfast I went to go shower and get ready for the day. Just as I was about to go to the bunk room Cc grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside. "Hello darling. I was just wondering if you would care to join me on a date tonight to the movie theatre" he asked actually looking nervous. Adorable. "In fact I would love too! What time are we leaving" I gave him a quick kiss. "Movie starts at 10 se we should probably leave by 930. We are seeing the gallows!" he grinned ear to ear. He was so happy it made me even happier then I already was.

Quickly showering I made sure to shave so my body was soft so I could wear a dress. I decided to wear a cute black skater dress with a black leather jacket, fishnets and black boots. My hair was curly and my makeup was pretty neutral besides a berry lip. All in all I think I looked pretty hot.


"Love? Are you ready?" Cc asked nervously from outside the door. Even though we had been dating for about a month he still seemed nervous around me. Like he was afraid to lose me. I loved it! "Coming babe! I'm so excited" I laughed lightly opening the door. He was wearing a black v neck shirt with black skinnies and combat boots and his hair was straightened. "You look so good" I smiled kissing him leaving his lips a few shades darker.

The movie was great, I actually payed attention. In all the scary parts I would bury me head in my loves shoulder. It was the end of the movie and my head was still buried in the crook of his neck.  Pulling away I looked up into his beautiful eyes. They sparkled as I pressed my lips against his. Soon the kiss got slightly more heated until I heard someone clearing their throat. It was the person cleaning the theatre. Blushing I got up and grabbed Cc's hand and together we ran out of the movie theatre. Panting and out of breath I leaned against the movie theatre wall. Almost immediately he crashed his lips against mine. "Babe, wait. Let's call a taxi to take us back to the bus" I frowned as I had to be the voice of reason.

Once again we were in front of the bus, the entire way here we had made out in the back of the cab. That poor cab driver. I had felt Cc's little "problem" on the way here.

Suddenly I felt his strong arms pick me up-still kissing me- and bring me inside the bus. I'm not sure who saw us or what they said, I was too busy. He threw me into his bunk climbing on top of me. Never breaking the kiss. "I'm ready" I panted out of breath from the all the kissing. All of the sudden he pulled away, "Can I just have a second? In the bathroom? Before this" he asked looking suddenly nervous. Had I done something wrong? Nodding nervously I started to wonder what I had done wrong. Climbing off of me he went and walked off. But I noticed he went to the left, the bathroom was to the right. All that was to the left was Andy and Jakes bunks. What was he doing over there? Before I could worry too much he reappeared crashing his lips onto mine. This was it.

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