Home Sweet Home

286 18 3

Juliet POV:
I woke up to light snoring behind me and complete darkness. Looking down I saw a pair of muscular heavily tattooed arms wrapped around me. What the hell? It all came back to me, the amazing events of last night! Singing on stage, what Ashley had said and sharing a bunk with Ashley. But now I had to go home.

In the aisle I could hear people talking, it sounded like Jake and Andy. Just as I was trying to listen the curtain closing the bunk off from the rest of the world was ripped open. Light and noise streamed into the bunk, startling me and Ashley. Just as we were startled awake the bus hit a major turn and we were flung into the aisle.  Ashley was laying right on top of me, holy fuck. "Woah! You guys have fun last night" Jake chuckled as I realized I was wearing Ashley's shirt and he had had his arms around me.

"Nope, no fun. No fun at all" I smiled sarcastically looking down at Ashley who's face was right in my chest. Perfect*sense the sarcasm there? No? Ok...*. "Looks like Ash fell back asleep already" Andy said bitterly. What was his problem? He had always been such a huge role model to me but he seemed different when I met him in real life. Ashley got up from on top of me and held out a hand helping me up. As I took Ashley's hand Andy ran to the bathroom slamming the door. Again, what the hell? Shrugging it off I went to change my clothes and get ready for the day but then I remembered all my stuff was at my motel room. Fuck. Jinxx seemed to notice my dilemma because he let me borrow some of his clothes because I was closest to his size and I just used a random toothbrush that I found still in the package under the sink and someone's hairbrush, straightener and makeup.

I ended up wearing a black pair of skinnies, combat boots and a black Metallica shirt. Usually I had more color in my outfit but I wasn't complaining. "So Juliet where do you live? Just so we can drop you off" Ashley asked flicking a piece of bacon at me. "But I don't my JuJu to goooo" Cc whined hugging me. Ash sighed: "C, I know it's hard but Juliet has family and friends that are probably looking for her". Oh how wrong they were. Nervously I gave them the address of the motel. Maybe they would believe me if I told them that I was on vacation or something. Or that I traveled to get to the concert.

It was actually kinda sad on the way to my house, this was the last chance I would ever have to get as close as I was now to my idols. Deciding to make the most of it I played them a couple songs on my guitar. Me and Andy sang a duet, it actually sounded pretty good. When I made it big someday I would have to call him and ask him to sing with me. The bus came to a sudden halt throwing me into Andy. "Oh sorry" I blushed pushing a stray hair out of my face. Looking up at him I noticed how handsome he actually was. Perfect sharp jawline, eyebrows so fleeky it wasn't even funny, pale clear skin, shiny black hair, blue eyes with so many secrets hidden in them. "No problem, we must be at your place" Andy grinned with his shiny white teeth down at me. "Yeah, we must be" I mumbled suddenly nervous. What was happening to me.

"Umm... Juliet, it looks like we are at a motel? Not a house. Mind explaining" Ash came up from the front of the bus looking concerned. Fuck, time for plan B. "Me and my family are on vacation. It just happened you guys had a concert nearby" I lied quickly. Ash looked skeptical but didn't say anything else on the subject. "Let us at least walk you to your room, I wanna meet the wonderful people that made you" Cc clapped happily. If only they knew. "Honestly I think it would be best if only I went... They don't really like you guys" I lied. They really didn't like them but they weren't even at the room. "Juliet. We are going to your motel room" Ashley said sternly. He knew something was up. "Ok, fine. Let's go then" I gave in but making sure to give some attitude.

All 5 of the guys got out of the bus with me, great. I thought it would be just Andy and Ashley. The walk to the motel was silent, they all knew i wasn't happy. As I walked past the front desk my dear friend Meredith flagged me down: "Dear we are going to need one more days pay if you want to sleep here tonight. Or whatever you plan on doing with these men. Just keep it down and pay up" she snapped looking at the guys. Really? She thought I was bringing them all back to my room to sleep with ALL of them?  "Umm... Shouldn't your parents have already paid?" Cc asked with a raised brow. "Really? That's what your concerned with in what she just told me" I rolled my eyes and pulled a $50 out of my guitar case and handed it to her. "Hey, if the others guys weren't here I bet we could have some fun" Cc winked jokingly. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"No, but seriously. Cc is right. Shouldn't your parents be paying for your family to stay here" Ashley said looking concerned. "Don't worry, they will pay me back" I lied quickly. It feel kind of wrong to lie to them after everything they had done for me but not as wrong as being a burden. I led the way as we all headed to my room. Taking the room key out of my pocket I opened the door and headed into the room trying to close the door as fast as I could. But of course Jake stuck his foot in the door before I could shut it. "Where are your parents? You said they would be here" he questioned looking around the room. "They probably went out to dinner" I covered. That was a believable thing, right? "Then why the hell is there only one suitcase here? Juliet we know your lying. Now tell us the truth." Jinxx said in a serious tone. He meant business

There was no way I could lie my way out of this, even I saw that. Finally giving in I explained everything: "Ok!!! I ran away because my parents were assholes and always beat me and said my music career was going nowhere. They didn't even try to get me back. For the past 3 days I've stayed at this hotel because I had nowhere else to go. I've got enough money to stay here for a little while longer. Especially if I keep singing on the street. After that I have no idea what I'm gonna do". Everyone was silent. "I'm so sorry, that's terrible" Ash mumbled. "Ok guys! Band meeting right now! Juliet be a dear and go to the bathroom or something" Cc said ushering me into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I noticed how ragged and beat down I looked. You could see the age and pain in my eyes. A knock on the bathroom door pulled me out of my trance. Opening the door I saw the guys standing in a semi circle around me. "Juliet! We decided your to young to be living alone and you don't deserve this. So guess what! YOUR GOING ON TOUR WITH US" Andy beamed and engulfed me in a hug. Pretty soon the entire band had their arms around me in a giant hug.

"Guys, I can't do that. I'm sorry but I'm not wasting space on your bus just as I ride along because you feel bad for me" I sighed. They would regret taking me. "No Juliet. Your touring WITH us. We are making you an opening act" Jake grinned. "Really? I'm gonna play shows?" i gasped excitedly. They all nodded and I felt tears come to my eyes. Happy tears of course. Hugging all the guys once more I started to pack my stuff with the guys help. In about 15 minutes I had all my stuff packed up again.

Just as I was leaving the hotel I heard Meredith cough behind me *Cough* "Slut" *Cough*. Did she just call me a slut? Did she really think I had just slept with all the guys. Andy must have heard her too because he immediately stiffened. Turning around on the balls of his feet he made his way back up to the desk. Placing both elbows on the desk he spoke: "If you think a beautiful girl like Juliet came here with all of us for one big gang bang then your fucking wrong. No wonder your business is failing, your such a bitch. I'm so glad we are finally getting sheer away from the shit hole you call 'A motel'" and turned right around leaving her speechless. That was so sweet, and did he call me beautiful? We just left like nothing had happened and made our way out to the bus. "Ok so Juliet, you will be sharing a bus with us for the remainder of the tour. Unfortunately all the bunks are taken up so you will have to share with one of us. You can share a bunk with basically everyone except for Ashley. Trust me" Jinxx said taking my suitcase and placing it in the bus. I wonder why I couldn't share with Ashley? "Hmm... How about Jake" I asked nervously. Hopefully he wouldn't care. "Sounds great bunk buddy" Jake smiled and it looked genuine. Both Ashley and Andy looked a little disappointed. Wonder why...

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