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Juliet POV:
I woke up to my phone buzzing. My alarm was set to 330 because I usually had to wake up incredibly early so i could do chores. Its not like my parents would do any. Sighing I decided to just get up. Walking over to my suitcase I pulled out my wireless Bluetooth speakers. You had no idea how long I had to save up for these. Connecting my phone I began to play my favorite band of all time, Black Veil Brides.

Climbing out of bed I stripped down and got in the shower. Welcoming the warm water to soothe my sore and aching muscles. I found a bar of soap and a razor on the counter along with some travel sized shampoo and conditioner. Shaving and washing my hair and body felt great. Washing away all the memories of my past life.

Finally I had to get out of the shower, looking at my phone I saw it was almost 5. Holy crap that was a long shower! Next I did my makeup and hair with what I had packed. Cleaning all my piercings. The last thing I needed right now was an infected piercing.

This took about an hour and a half. So it was like 630, I didn't have to leave for school for an hour. Suddenly a crazy idea popped into my head. What if I skipped? Up until now I had been the poster child for public schools. Perfect grades, perfect attendance, always following rules, star of the school musicals, being the teachers pet. I figured if I got good grades and sang for the school I was bound to get into a musical college. Free from my parents! I had been saving up to go to college since I was little. Maybe I might even get a singing scholarship?

The school would never suspect I was skipping, I was too good. They probably would even bother calling my parents. And even if they did my parents would probably lie. Say I was sick at home so no one knew I ran away and ask questions on why. Not that I was complaining.

As I looked into my suitcase I got a crazy idea for what I could do today. It was perfect! I ended up wearing a white crochet top with a black bandeau and Jean shorts. Knee high socks and converse completed the outfit. My curled hair and winged eyeliner matched perfectly. Grabbing my guitar, some sunglasses, my phone and a sweatshirt I left my room. Making sure to lock it behind me. I needed to get there early to set up.

Before I left I rented out the room for one more night, then I could find somewhere. Hailing a taxi I had them drive me to the venue of the BVB show. It was a little expensive but I needed to get there quick. Once I was there I found a cute little bench on a corner next to the venue, perfect!

Sitting down on the bench I took out my guitar, it was almost 730 now. People were starting to emerge from their buildings. Leaving my guitar case open I began to sing and play.

Random little songs to meaningful songs I had written. I played everything. By 8 I was starting to draw a crowd, people were looking on and placing money in the case. I began to play "End Of The World". It was a song I had written when I was living with my parents. Probable around age 13 or 14. This was a dark period of my life so the song was pretty dark.

Scanning the crowd and smiling I was amazed. any parents were wrong, I could make it! I could do this for the rest of my life! Spooking over I saw a man dressed in all black place a bill in the case. There was no way for me to see his face since he was bending over but I could have sworn the bill he placed in there said $100.

The man stood back up and my breath hitched in my throat. It was the one and only Andy Biersack. Andy Biersack was listening to me play in front of HIS venue. There was no way this was actually happening. Trying to play it cool I kept playing. But really I was freaking out on the inside. Next I played "Not Broken Yet". Eventually the crowd started to thin out as people headed to school and work. A few songs later the only person standing there was Andy. I tried not to look up, so he couldn't see the fear in my eyes.

Finally I put my guitar down, I was hungry and hadn't had breakfast yet. My watch said it was almost lunch time. Andy was still standing there, would he say anything? Just as I was about to make my way past him he spoke: "Hey, my names Andy. Your truly an amazing singer. Do you have a record deal or anything? I'm in a band". I scoffed "No I don't have a record deal, who's sign me? And I know your Andy Biersack and that your in a band. I'm seeing them tonight" I said quietly turning to face him. "Well would you care to meet me for lunch? Maybe talk business?" he offered holding his hand out for a shake. Panicking I replied "No thank you, I really ought to be going now. But thank you for the offer". He frowned "Ok, we'll see you tonight... At least take these" he handed me backstage passes. Holy crap! "

"Thank you! See you tonight I guess!" I smiled madly taking the pass from him and putting it in my case. During lunch I counted all the money I had made, I had made $450 just playing on a street corner. Of course $100 of this was Andy but still!


Placing my guitar in the case for the day I smiled. It was concert time and I had backstage passes!

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