My White Rabbit

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Juliet POV:
The guys were out clubbing right now. I was straight edge, meaning I didn't drink or smoke so I just stayed back at the bus. Andy had volunteered to stay back with me so I wouldn't get lonely. We were watching batman, of course. But I didn't mind, I loved batman too. "Can you believe Robin? He's so unnecessary! Like batman can kick ANYONES ass, he doesn't need Robin" Andy muttered pulling up his batman blanket even higher. He was so childish and cute! Andy reminded me of a little kid sometimes and then other times he was like a giant bad ass adult fighting for all his fans.

Looking at him I noticed his messy hair, it was actually kind of hot. Me and Ashley were still friends and shit but I don't think he likes me the same. Lately I had been seeing him more as a brother then anything, it was all quite confusing really. I definitely still liked him a little, but I think I might like Andy too. But who had always been there for me in tough times? Ashley. Who was my shoulder to cry on? Ashley. Who was my rock? Ashley. Andy was probably just a temporary thing, he was more like a best friend then anything. "JuJu. You want some popcorn? I'm going to make some" Andy asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sure" I smiled thinking about the yumminess of popcorn. Nodding Andy headed into the "Kitchen" to make some popcorn. "EXTRA BUTTER PLEASE" I called in to him.

He didn't reply so I decided to go make sure he heard me. No one wants dry tasteless popcorn! Am I right? Walking into the kitchen I saw shirtless Andy standing by the microwave, only wearing his batman pajama bottoms. Obviously. "Oh, hey Juliet. You know I offered to make you popcorn so you wouldn't have to get up" he looked at me with a smirk. Andy didn't totally have abbs yet but you could definitely see them coming in. "Yeah yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure you put the right amount of butter on the popcorn." I said in mock offense. "Ok princess" Andy winked before we both burst out laughing. By the time we had both stopped laughing we heard the little buzzer on the microwave signaling that the popcorn was done.

Andy took it out of the microwave and poured it all into one bowl and the passed the bowl to me with some spray on butter. After making sure it had the absolute perfect amount of butter on it I took it and brought it into the TV area were Andy was already sitting. This time I had to sit next to Andy because we were sharing the popcorn. The bus was kind of chilly so I was glad Andy shared his blanket with me. Taking a piece of popcorn he examined it before popping it into his mouth and chewing for a couple of seconds: "Perfection". Glancing around me I noticed how close to Andy I actually was. I was practically leaning on him. Honestly I didn't mind it.

A couple seconds later I felt Andy move his arm so it was around me. Blushing I realized I had been laying on his arm and that was probably incredibly uncomfortable. Now I was officially leaning on him, but I made no move to fight it. This was the closest a guy had ever gotten to me, besides when I slept in the same bunk as Jake and Ashley. My eyes started to get heavy and I stopped paying attention the movie. Finally I let my eyes drift shut, falling asleep almost immediately.


*BANG* I woke up to the bus door slamming open hard. Andy jumped besides me so he must have fallen asleep too. Suddenly I noticed that I was leaning into him and I started to remember the moments before I fell asleep. Cc crashed through the door- a raven haired girl in tow. Crashing his obviously drunk lips onto hers he led her to the bunk room. Jake came crashing in next- a brunette girl in tow. Just as CC had done, he led her to the bunk room. Jinxx staggered in, holding hands with a girl with icy blue hair. I'm starting to see a pattern. Without even acknowledging me or Andy he brought his girl back to the bunk. Finally Ashley came swaying drunk my in, and just as I had expected with a girl. Good thing there were 4 separate bunk rooms with 6 bunks in each room. But he didn't just head to the back like the others he looked at me and Andy before kissing his fake tan blondie.

"Mmmm... Ima go fuck this bitch Andy. Maybe you could bring Juliet back and show her how to have a good time. You know how I like my women- with open legs" he slurred and began to grope his girl finally leading her to the back. That stung. A lot. I felt tears flow to my eyes, I did my best to deny them. Andy squeezed my hand and sighed: "I'm sorry, Ashley isn't very good at finding girls. It's gonna bite him in the ass someday. Rather have a good fuck then someone with integrity and self respect". All I could do was nod, still in shock. "Let's sleep out here on the couch tonight, I have a feeling we won't get much sleep in the bunk area" Andy said only half joking. "Yeah, your probably right" I admitted thinking about how all the bunk rooms were full of fucking.

Andy sat me at the table well he got the pull out couch ready. Five minutes later there was a full bed there. It was a good thing I already had my pajamas on because I really wouldn't have wanted to go back there to get some. "Is Ashley right? Should I put out more? Would guys like me better?" I asked awkwardly in the dark. Even though I wasn't touching him I could feel Andy stiffen beside me: "No, he's 100% wrong. A girl should treat her body like her temple, only let the most worthy men into her temple. Not some drunken rockstar". "Thank you, haha. Most guys I know would think its weird. I've only ever had one boyfriend and after 2 weeks he wanted to get in my pants. He broke up with me because I was a virgin and I wouldn't sleep with him" I whispered. Good thing it was dark so Andy couldn't see the blush or tears on my face. "He sounds horrible. He didn't deserve you, and I'm sorry but neither does Ashley. You deserve someone faithful that's ready to wait as long as you need." Andy said firmly from next to me. "Andy, I'm kind of cold. Is there any more blankets" I asked hoping there was.

"I'm sorry sweetie, there's not unless you want to pass through all the bunks to the back of the bus. I could go get the blankets but I can't promise you won't hear or see anything well I'm gone. But I can keep you warm if you want" he replied. "That would be nice, thank you white rabbit" I smiled as Andy pulled me close to him. "White rabbit?" he chuckled curiously. "When I was a little girl all I wanted all summer was a white rabbit with blue eyes. My parents wouldn't get me one, obviously. One day I was playing in the back yard just minding my own business when a white rabbit with blue eyes limped out of the bushes. Without my parents knowing I kept him for about 3 years in a shed until he ran away one day after reaching full health. He was just what I wanted when I needed it. You were just what I needed in my life to keep my here and sane. Who knows where I would be without you. Fucking Ashley possibly" I explained. "Well in that case I would love to be your white rabbit" he said- I could hear the smile in his voice. We fell asleep in each other's arms that night. Andy signing softly to me so I couldn't hear anything from the bunks. My white rabbit.

But one thought kept coming back to me. Would Ashley even remember what he said to me? How could I look at him the same? Trust him the same? Could I?

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