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Juliet POV:
Placing my hand in Cc's we headed back to the bus, or should I say my boyfriends. He was the sweetest most caring guy and I couldn't believe he asked me out. Cc had the party and kindness of Ashley and the protectiveness of Andy. The best of both worlds. "Do the guys know" I asked happily laying my head on his shoulder as we walked to the bus. "No, I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone" he blushed kissing my forehead. "Awww! That's so cute" I giggled squeezing his hand.

Opening the bus door open for me cc helped me climb into the bus since the step was kind of high up. Placing both hands on my hips he lifted me up and placed me in the bus, I didn't even use the steps. Cc followed me into the bus and I went and walked into the couch area where everyone was sitting. Everyone was there for except for Andy. I heard the shower running so I'm guessing he was showering after the show. They got pretty gross. "You were amazing girl! I can't believe that was your first show" Jake grinned making me blush. "Yeah-she was pretty amazing" Cc said taking a step closer to me. He was so adorable! "So did you ask her out? I'm guessing you did by the way your both acting" Ashley said cheekily winking at me.

"Err... Thanks for that Ash. But yeah, and she said yes" I could practically feel the embarrassment rolling off of him in waves. "Don't worry babe, I still love you" I smiled pecking him on the cheek.

We sat down on the couch, but it was pretty squished all of us sitting there so Cc picked me up and placed me on his lap. Flipping through the channels we started to watch "Ink Master". It was one of my favorite shows. I loved anything related to tattoos. A few minutes later the shower stopped running. Andy must be done. I moved to the floor so he could sit on the couch since he would be tired from his show. Cc got up and went to take a shower now that it was open and he still hasn't showered since the show.

Minutes later Andy walked out of the bunk room grinning when he saw me. "JuJu! That was the best show I've ever seen! You were amazing" he congratulated me sitting down on the couch. He was wearing only black athletic shorts and no shirt. Letting my head fall back into Jakes lap I sat in between his legs. The shower started to run again signaling that Cc had gotten in. "Thanks Andy. It means a whole lot more coming from you guys" I smiled as I felt my eyes began to tear up. Happy tears of course.

About 15 minutes later Cc stepped out from the bunk area. I had been so entranced by my show that I had noticed the shower stopping. He smiled when he saw me and sat down next to me: "Hey babe". "I'm so glad you finally showered! You smelled" I teased him. "Well not all of us were able to shower at the venue" he said in mock offense. "Well now we both smell wonderful" I giggled kissing him on the lips. Someone cleared their throat behind us making me pull away. "Umm... Did I miss something?" Andy asked looking a mix of unreadable emotions.

"Oh yeah... Me and Juliet are dating now... You must have been showering when I told everyone" Cc said nervously. I noticed Andy clenching and unclenching his fists. He looked pissed. Suddenly he stood up: "Your dating Juliet? Sweet innocent little Juliet? The only girl on this tour with actual morals and self respect? Juliet you realize your now dating the biggest man whore here besides Ashley? Maybe you weren't as smart as I thought you were" he snarled sounding pained and walked over to the kitchen. Jake placed both hands on my shoulders and started to rub them. Once again tears started to fill my eyes-except this time it wasn't happy tears. What Andy had said stung. A lot. Cc shot up instantly, "What the hell are you talking about? Your just jealous she likes me not you. Don't take your sore ass out on her".

"Don't think I don't know why your dating her. You and Ashley probably have some bet going on how fast you can fuck her. I'm not stupid" he yelled slamming his fist down on the table. This time Ashley stood up looking pissed: "Hey! Cc is right. They like each other just let them date. I had NO part in getting them together. You know I would never do something like that to Juliet". Cc wouldn't do something like that to me, I knew it. He shot me a look "You know I would never do that babe" he looked me in this eyes. Nodding I shot him a small smile although tears were now running down my face. Ashley grabbed my hand and pulled me  and Jinxx out of the bus leaving Andy and Cc to fight and Jake to mediate.

We walked in silence for a couple minutes, flickering street lights out only source of light. "Why can he be such an asshole" I finally asked. "Andy has a hard time showing his emotions. You know that. What happened tonight only meant he was concerned about you and Cc because he knows what Cc has done before" Ashley sighed leaning against a wall. Leaning against the same wall as Ashley I slid down in it into a sitting position. I knew he was right, I knew exactly what he meant. "What has Cc done before" I asked nervously. "She deserves to know Ash if she gonna date him" Jinxx sighed before Ashley could object. "Fine, you tell her then" he said quietly in defeat.

"Well just like Andy said Cc is the biggest man whore besides Ashley. He's a really great guy who loves all his fans but he had a tendency to sleep around and have a hard time in committed relationships. But we know when he finds the right girl all that will stop. Andy just cares about you and doesn't want you to get hurt." Jinxx explained. One sentence of that paragraph stuck out to me, "Andy just cares about you and doesn't want you to get hurt".

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