waking up

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Juliet POV:
"My lady" Andy said acting all proper and opening the bus door for me. We had just gotten our tattoos, they came out amazing! I absolutely loved them and so did Andy. "Hey, how was your guys time out?" Jake asked from the couch where he was currently playing XBOX with Ashley. "Me and Juliet just got tattoos!" Andy answered before I could say anything. He was so cute. "Really? Let's see em" Ashley grinned getting up to look at them. We showed them our tattoos: "That's so cool! I love them. We should all get BVB tattoos together someday" Jake smiled examining my hand. "What about tattoos?" Cc yawned stepping out from the back of the bus.

"Me and Andy got tattoos together today. You wanna look?" I asked in a semi normal voice. Like Andy had said, I needed to try my best to remain friends with Cc. "Yeah, I would." He smiled genuinely and shot me what looked like a grateful look. Andy squeezed my hand reassuringly with his free hand. Walking over to us Cc looked at me and Andys hand: "What does White Rabbit and Dragonfly mean? They are wonderful tattoos". "They're our nicknames for each other" I answered quickly. "I'm happy for you" Cc said and took all of us by surprise leaning in for a hug. "Friends" I whispered in his ear low enough for only him to hear. "Best Friends for life" he whispered back making me happier then I had been for a long time.

Pulling away we smiled at each other, no one spoke. "Ima go put some pajamas on. I miss my pajamas, last night I had to sleep in Andys shirt" I announced making my way to the back of the bus. Quickly showering I threw on some of Jakes athletic shorts and a sports bra. Sitting on Andys bunk I decided to scroll through my Twitter. I preferred doing my nightly social media stalking on the lower bunks because they had a higher ceiling so I could sit up.

Scrolling through I saw my social media following was really growing from this tour. Yay! More people meant more tours. I began to feel slightly drowsy but figured I was almost to the bottom of my dash so I kept going. The last thing I remembered was a picture of Jinxx as a labradoodle and Ashley as a horse before I felt my eyes drift shut.

Someone's arm bumped me waking me up slightly. Cracking my eyes open a bit I saw it was Andy. "Sorry sweetie, I was grabbing my clothes and then I was just gonna sleep in your bunk" he apologised grabbing a black pair of shorts from next to me. "Nonsense. Just sleep here, I will move" I yawned moving my arm to push myself up. "Here, just scooch over a bit" he said softly and I fell back asleep as I felt him move me slightly further into the bunk. The last thing I remember is his warm arms wrapping around me and me thinking "Oh fuck. It's happening again".

sorry it's so short.... I promise this will be the only short chapter! It's literally half of what I usually write at only 600 words... I'm just so tired and felt bad for not updating. So here's a little bit of mystery for you guys!

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