What plan?

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Juliet POV:
"Andy what the fuck were you thinking? I was FUCKING COMFORTING HER! You don't want to know what she was saying" Ash snarled from somewhere making my head ring. My eyes remained closed as my consciousness slowly came back to me. "Fuck Ashley I know. It's just that I finally had her, my love. My plan was finally working" Andy sighed sounding worried now. What plan? "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE? WHAT HAPPENED TO JULIET? Ash... I swear to fucking god why is she wearing your shirt" Cc asked as his footsteps walked in from the bunk room. "Ash and Juliet got drunk had sex and then I was trying to punch Ash but accidentally punched Juliet and knocked her out" Andy sighed.

"You fucker" Cc roared and I heard a crack. "Well there goes my nose" Ash sighed sounding distant. "Look it Ash if you had just followed the plan this wouldn't have happened" Andy retaliated. "YOUR PLAN WAS FUCKING SICK AND I WISH I NEVER WENT ALONG WITH IT! You played with that girls emotions like they were nothing. If that plan had never happened she would still be a Virgin." Ashley banged something on the table next to me, I felt it's vibrations. Opening my eyes my face felt sore , I knew it would bruise: "What plan?" I asked confused.

"Look Juliet, now probably isn't the best Time" Andy said realizing I was awake and had heard him. "No! You know what Andy she deserves to know! Juliet Andy has always had a major crush on you since he met you. Quickly realizing you liked Cc not him he came up with a plan. Let cc date you and break your heart and he comforts you and makes you feel better. Everything was working too until you slept with Cc and me". "Andy is this true? I swear to fucking God" My voice wavered as I tried to keep my complexion but it was quickly slipping away.

"Juliet look, it's true. But I regret it so much! Like so fucking much! You bring me so much joy, even if you can't find it in your heart to like me just please don't hate me. What I did was completely wrong and immoral and I should have listened to the guys. They all told me it was a cruel plan from the beginning so don't be mad at them! Please, your my world" Andy pleaded, his voice cracking. A thought hit me, Cc didn't even like me, let alone love me when we slept together. The guy I lost my virginity too didn't even like me. "Because of you I lost my virginity to a guy who didn't even like me, fuck you Andy" I sobbed as the familiar feelings of worthlessness hit me. "Juliet.." Ashley sighed placing a hand on my shoulder.

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