A drop of ink on a nearly blank surface

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Juliet POV:
A warm comforting scent filled my nose, "Morning babe" I mumbled snuggling closer to Cc. Inhaling his scent once again. Wait a second? That wasn't Cc's scent? My eyes shot open finding myself snuggled incredibly close into Andy's side. "What the fu-" I started before yesterday's events came rushing into my head. Andy looked at me with pity as I broke down into tears once again. This was going to be harder then I thought. "Shhh... It's going to be ok darling, I just know it" Andy cooed taking me into his arms as I broke down. "I know, but what if this ruins our friendship! I don't want to lose Cc forever" I admitted my true fear. Frowning he said "Juliet I'm going to be honest with you. Cc truly does want to remain your friend and continue hanging out with you. Your like a sister to him. Your the only person who can decide if you remain friends or not. He's gonna do anything in his power to make sure you guys are still friends". "I'm gonna make sure we remain friends" I decided out loud finally able to control my tears. "Well I'm glad and 100% with you" Andy smiled wiping away a tear from my face.

"When do we have to head back? To the bus?" I asked secretly hoping it wouldn't be till later. "Not till about 4. It's 830 now so we have some time" Andy smiled. "Let's go to the movies and out to lunch" I cheered. "Really? That sounds AMAZING" He grinned excitedly. "Good, now I'm gonna go shower" I crawled out of Andy's arms and headed into the bathroom. Stripping down and turning the hot water on I stepped in letting it soothe my muscles. The warm water cascaded down my book relaxing me. I made sure to take an extra good shower just because showering good on the bus is even hard. After washing my hair and body and shaving I stood in the water for a couple minutes. It felt so good on my tense muscles. Finally I decided to let Andy have a turn and I forced myself to get out.

First drying off quickly and then getting dressed into my clothes from yesterday. Thankfully I always keep the basic hair and makeup necessities in my purse. Brush, mini straightener, mascara, eyeliner, lip stick, hair ties. You know, the true essentials. The mirror was outside the bathroom so I could let Andy shower well I got ready. Stepping out I was met by a wonderful image. Andy was standing there with a low towel around his waist. To say it was pleasing to the eyes was an understatement.

I was starting to remember why I used to like Andy. He was caring, funny and HOT! But you know, it's what's on the inside that counts. "Errr... excuse me darling" Andy said pointing out that I was still standing in front of the bathroom door. "Oops, sorry" I blushed stepping out of the way. Going to the mirror I began to apply the little makeup I had. As I did I began to think. Could I like Andy again? Could I take another heartbreak? Would he even want me? Haha, obviously not. I'm just some sad street singer that's played a few gigs, he has an entire career under his belt. He's much better looking then me too, what was I thinking? Shaking the thoughts out of my head I went back to focusing on my straightener.

The door cracked open next to me, Andy must be next to me. "Psst! Juliet! Umm... Err... Ileftmyclothesouttherecanyougetthemforme. Mytowelissoakedidroppeditintheshower" he said so quickly I had no idea what he was saying. "Andy dear if you could say that in English a tad slower I might be able to actually understand you" I smirked as his wet little head poked out of the door. "Ermm... I dropped my towel in the shower and accidentally left my clothes out there so I need you to get them please" he blushed looking down. "So thats why I can see your head" I winked making Andy roll his eyes. "Not that head Andy. Think about it" I smirked as Andy had about a heart attack.

Instantly he looked down in fear, truth be told I couldn't see anything. "Fine. Be like that, see where it gets you" he said in mock hurt. What he did next would probably scar me for life. He disappeared into the bathroom for a minute or so, I wonder what he was doing? Suddenly the door swung all the way open and out came Andy. No he wasn't completely naked, but it was pretty darn close. He had taken toilet paper and wrapped it around his "special areas". His special areas included his penis and that's about it. "Andy what the hell are you doing! I would have gotten you your clothes! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BITCH" I squealed as he jokingly took a couple steps toward me. "Do you realize how many crazy fan girls out there would kill to be you" he chuckled. "Ok that great, but I don't greatly enjoy looking at your penis because your all wet from your shower and you know what water does when it gets wet? ITS TURNS SEE THROUGH" I pointed out making Andy blush slightly but he still didn't change.

"Like what you see? How does it compare to other emo penises" he puffed up his chest finally grabbing his clothes off the bed. "Not that I have much point of reference. I've only seen one other one" I reminded him. "Cc's penis is pretty average, unlike mine. Mine has magical powers" Andy said calmly before slipping back into the bathroom to change. Even though he didn't even need to go into the bathroom, I already saw EVERYTHING.

Skipping movie:

The movie was TERRIFYING! Throughout the whole thing I was either hiding under my jacket or snuggled into Andys side. But I didn't like him, it was too soon after a breakup. "You dick! You knew I was easily scared" I scoffed walking out of the theatre. "What! How could have I known" he winked. "Oh My God! Are you Juliet Simms!" I heard behind me. Turning around I saw a pretty blonde girl who looked about 14. She was wearing a white skater dress and maroon vans. "Yeah I am sweetheart. So I take it your a fan?" I smiled happily. This was the first time I had met a fan beside at shows. "Err... Yeah, kinda the biggest. Your voice is amazing and your so pretty" she blushed. "Do you want a picture or autograph darling?" I asked. "That would be great thanks!" she beamed from ear to ear making me even happier then I already was. "And what's your name sweetie? I never got it" i asked as I wrote on her phone case. "It's Jamie! Thank you, this made my whole week!" she said still smiling widely.

We talked for a couple of minutes, she was really sweet. "What happened to Cc? Are you guys not going out anymore?" she asked looking at Andy. Then I remembered, no one knew we had broken up. "Yeah, we are no more. But could you do me a favour and keep it on the down low?" I asked praying she would. Our fans should find out from us, not a fan. "Oh, well you and your new boyfriend are Super cute together! Sorry, I better be going. My parents are calling me, they will never believe this!" she beamed before waving and walking away. "Jamie we aren't dati-" I tried to explain but she had already walked away.

"She knew who I was! Andy she knew who I was!" I grinned turning around and hugging him in excitement. "This calls for celebration" he clapped eagerly. "Andy in really not in the mood to party but thanks for the idea..." I frowned. Partying with Cc sounded harder then just being on a bus with him. Way harder! "No silly, that's not what I meant!" he exclaimed making crazy hand gestures. "Then what?" I asked confused. What on earth was he talking about. He got an childish happy look on his face: "Tattoos". "That sounds like an awesome idea! Do you know any artists out here" that sounded like just what I needed right now.

"Yeah, my regular artist had s friend down here that he's always bragging down here. I think her name is Sheila. Her shop is like 15 minutes away" he took my hand dragging me to the road so we could hail a taxi.

"What should we get? I think they should be linked in some way" I suggested in the waiting room. She was currently tattooing someone but was almost done. "I have an idea! What if I get Dragonfly tattooed on my hand with your handwriting and you get White Rabbit tattooed on your hand in my hand writing!" he smiled obviously proud of his idea. "The White Rabbit I get but why Dragonfly? Why dragonfly" I asked puzzled. "Haven't you noticed? Whenever we hang out there's ALWAYS dragonflys around!" Andy said matter o fairly. Thinking back he was right, the first time we met, our first show, today, all the other times we hung out. "Yeah, your right! That's a really good idea" I admitted. He went and got a sharpie from the front desk, we then wrote our nicknames for each other on the others hand. It looked perfect!

"Andy and Juliet? Marks friend" a short heavily tattooed women stepped out from behind a curtain. She was blonde and had a lip ring, nose ring, septum, eyebrow and Monroe piercing. Stretched and heavily pierced ears poked out from under her hair. "That would be us" I said standing up dragging Andy with me.

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