Should i feel more?

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Juliet POV:
My eyelids flickered open and I took the time to look around me. First thing, I wasn't in my bunk. Second thing, I was naked. Nervously I looked next to me afraid of what I would see. There laying next to me also naked was my boyfriend of 1 month Christian coma. I had given away my virginity that I had prided myself on keeping to my month long relationship. But I loved Cc right? Right?

"Oh my fucking God, Juliet are you ok" Cc asked looking concerned and shocked himself. Did he regret it? "Did we... Umm?" I asked nervously hoping we had just cuddled gotten hot and took our clothes off. "Err... Yeah. Don't you remember" he asked looking more nervous. "Well kind of. Everything was kind of a blur after that wine we shared at the movie theatre. I'm kind of a lightweight" I blushed thinking about he could obviously remember more then I could. "You... You were drunk" he asked looking appalled. Okay, not gonna lie. That hurt. Shamefully I nodded looking down. His face softened when he saw my answer: "Hey, can we just talk in the kitchen? I can get the guys to leave". Thankful that he was going to have the guys leave I agreed before remembering the predicament I was in.

Me and Cc were both sharing a blanket and were completely naked under it. "Your going to have to get up sweetie so we can get dressed. I promise I won't look" he nudged me with pity in his eyes. Was the fear I was feeling right now really that obvious? "Promise?" I asked looking into his dark brown eyes. In reply he held up his pinkie and we made a pinkie promise, everyone knows you can't break up. "Ok, I'm gonna get up now" I sighed and checked that his eyes were actually closed before getting up. Pain shot up my lower half making me hiss. "Sorry babe" Cc said softly sounding nervous.

Looking around I grabbed whatever clothes were closest to me. Which ended up being some sweatpants and a black Motley Crüe shirt. At least now I would look as unattractive as possible.

Heading out into the kitchen area I sat down at the table and banged my head on the table. Someone placed a hand on my shoulder and started to run it. Glancing up i was incredibly surprised. Andy was standing above me. You could tell he was trying to stay calm but rage filled his eyes. Was he really mad at Cc. "Someone got some last night." Ashley called from the couch making my head bang on the table again. I was a slut. "Shut up" both Andy and Cc said at the same time as Cc emerged from the back of the bus. He had obviously thrown an outfit together too because he was shirtless and wearing only a black pair of athletic shorts. His hair was crazy. Fuck, my hair! We both had sex hair.

Andy clenched his fists when he looked at Cc, why would he care? He got over me a long time ago. "Look it can you guys just get the fuck out me and Juliet need to talk" Cc literally yelled at the rest of the band making them scurry out as fast as possible. Andy was the only one that lingered. "Just go white rabbit" I pleaded looking up at him before he gave in and left.

"How are you feeling" Cc asked suddenly kind taking my hand in his across the table. I shrugged: "Not really sure yet". "Fuck. I swore I wasn't gonna do this. I just took a drunk girls virginity and she barely even remembers it" he sighed looking angry.

"Christian. This is not your fault. If there's one thing I remember is me pressuring you to sleep with me. It's just as much if not more my fault that we slept together" I insisted honestly. This was not Cc's fault. "Did you at least use protection" I asked nervously. A baby was not what I needed right now. Nodding he looked me in the eye: "Just know that I will always be there for you. No matter what". And I knew he was telling the truth, Cc would always be there for me. "I know darling" I smiled letting a single tear roll down my cheek.

"We better call the guys back. Sound check is starting soon and they need to be here" Cc frowned looking at his watch.  "Here, let me text them. You can go brush your hair" I laughed slightly for the first time that day. Once I laughed Cc seemed way happier, my love! Quickly sending out a group message to all the guys they all responded almost instantly. Both of us headed into the back to brush our hair and fix ourselves. Luckily the guys got there and c needed to talk to them so I could shower first.

After washing my body and hair I turned the shower off. Suddenly I heard Andy's voice from outside the door: "-hat was not part of it! You took advantage of her. Don't you even try it again, I will know. She lost her fucking burgundy drunk to some boyfriend she's had for a month".

Cc: "Andy I know. I regret it more then anything, I took advantage of her and I hate myself for that. IT can still work, just give it some time"

Andy: "You better be right, I trusted her with you because I thought you were the best option"

Cc: "You still can trust me, I just got caught up in the moment"

Curious and wanting to hear more I waited a few seconds longer. After I thought I heard them walk away I wrapped my towel around me and left to go get dressed. What were they talking about? As I walked out I ran into a hard muscular chest, looking up I saw it was Ashley. "You were listening to them weren't you" he asked sounding irritated. I tried to lie but he wouldn't take it. "Just forget what you just heard, don't worry about it" he said actually sounding kind of threatening. Nodding I scurried past him. What was going on in this band and in my life?

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