Ch 15: Birth of an Heir

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"Oh no, I'm falling in love, I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?"

I slowly walked down the hall with Ser Erryk beside me.

"I think maybe it is a good idea to take the day to rest, Princess" he said.

I let out a shaky, breath before shaking my head.

"I am quite fine" I said.

We finally got to the small council chambers as I sat beside my grandfather. I glanced at him as he smiled.

"Due any day now, right, Princess?" Lord Tyland asked.

"I'm afraid so" I said.

I listened in on the meeting, finding it dreadfully boring as I tried to think about anything else but the small pain that was starting in my stomach. I jumped, not realizing I was paying no attention when my grandfather began coughing up blood.

Ser Harrold took him out of the chambers as Otto took his place. I looked at him as he took his place beside me. The rest of the meeting moved swiftly as Otto helped me out of my chair and handed me off to Ser Erryk.

We were walking to Saera's chambers when Valaena stopped us. I looked at her surprised before telling Ser Erryk he may leave.

"But, Princess.." he said.

"I will be fine" I said.

He stood in place as I looked down then back up.

"That is an order" I said.

He eventually walked away as I turned back to Valaena.

"Are we done playing this game of avoiding one another?" I asked.

"I know" she said.

"Know what?" I asked.

"Don't act stupid" she said. "I know about the night you went to Jace's quarters."

I tilted my head, forcing a smile.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said.

"And now you are with child" she said.

"I have a husband.. and we engage in sexual activities. What is your point?" I asked.

"I know" she said.

"If you are going to accuse me of something, might as well say it aloud so I can have a better understanding" I said.

"You had sex with Jace" she said. "And that baby could be his."

I smiled as she grew angry.

"This baby is my husbands" I said. "Was there anything else you'd like to accuse me of?"

She said nothing as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good" I said.

I turned around to walk away when she spoke.

"You've changed since our younger years. You turned into the person you said you would never become" she said.

"My father was murdered by someone close.. I am only this way because of it" I said.

"You wish to be feared?" She said. "To have the people of the realm be terrified of you? What kind of ruler do you want to be remembered as?"

I turned around, walking towards her again.

"Your mother wishes to usurp me.. I am not stupid!" I said. "I want the realm to be terrified of me.. I want them to fear going against me! I am not who I used to be, I know that, but I will not let anyone take the throne from me."

"You accuse my mother of such things?" She said. "You're delusional."

"You think you know your mother but you do not" I said. "At least I show the people who I really am and not hide behind a facade. Rhaenyra's true colors will show and everyone will see her as she truly is."

"Which is what?" She said.

"You'll find out soon enough" I said.

"My mother is not the monster you perceive her as.. she's not like you" she said.

"We are more similar than you realize, the difference between your mother and I, is that at least I know I am not pure" I said.

I walked away, going towards my chambers. I started thinking about who Jacaerys must've told. No doubt in my mind if he told Valaena, he had told Rhaenyra as well. My steps began to slow down as pain erupted in my stomach.

I yelled out in pain as two servant girls ran towards me. One of them instructed me to take slow deep breaths as they helped me back to my chambers. They called upon the midwife as pain struck throughout my entire body.

After hours of labor, I gave birth to two healthy baby boys. My first born I named Baelon and second Viserys. Viserys had my lavender eyes as I held him, poking his nose. I looked up to Aegon who was pacing back and forth with Baelon.

Alicent ran in with a huge smile on her face as she walked towards me. She paid no acknowledgment to the baby, putting her hand on my head.

"How is my sweet girl?" She asked.

"Tired" I said. "Very tired."

She smiled before looking to Viserys in my arms. She moved the blanket to get a better look at his face when she noticed his eyes.

"Does the babe have a name?" She asked.

"Viserys" I said. "Do you want to hold him?"

She smiled, nodding as I handed Viserys to her. She looked at him with so much joy when she noticed Aegon was holding another baby. She looked at me, eyes wide, walking to Aegon.

"Twins?" She asked.

I nodded as she then examined Baelon. I watched as her eyes watered and her smile grew bigger.

"And this ones name?" She asked.

"That is Baelon" I said.

"Noble names" she said.

I laid my head back on the bed, watching Saera and Vaella run in. They fawned over the baby's taking turns holding each one. Aegon then walked over to me, kissing my forehead.

"You did good, my love" he said.

I forced a smile as he sat beside me. After Viserys was done getting handed around, Alicent brought him back over for Aegon to hold him for the first time. I looked around, seeing Vaella hold Baelon. Not long after she brought him over to me as I smiled, grabbing him from her.

I looked at his head, sighing in relief to see he had a small amount of silver hair. Both him and Viserys had my lavender eyes, which gave me a small sense of relief. But seeing both of them having silver hair gave me the much needed answer I needed of who was the father.

I turned my head to Aegon who was smiling at Viserys in his arms. It was the happiest I had ever seen him. He looked over to me as I smiled. He turned back to Viserys, swaying him as my heart fluttered.

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