Ch 25: A Truce

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"You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes"

I stood afar, watching my handmaiden play with the boys. I death gripped the cup in my hand as Alicent walked in. I turned to her, forcing a smile as she did the same. She kneeled before the boys, her smile turning into a real one.

The past few months had put a strain on our once close relationship. Alicent was truly the mother I never had, the mother I always wanted.

She stood up, walking towards me as I stiffened. She grabbed the cup from my hand, practically prying it out before setting it upon the table.

"Rhaenyra has been pleading with the King to investigate the murder of her son" she said.

"Her pleads will get her nowhere" I said.

"You know what could happen if he found out?" She asked.

"She killed my father and sister.. her punishment would be far worse than mine" I said.

She examined my face as I began to grow self conscious. She pushed my hair out of my face as she sighed.

"You will make a fine queen one day" she whispered. "But I fear revenge will consume you."

"They made me into this.. they took everything from me" I said. "Revenge is the only thing keeping my hopes up."

"Let's walk" she said.

She looped her arm with mine, briskly taking us out of my chambers. We walked down the halls, listening to the chatter of the castle.

"I want to be okay with everything" I said. "I truly do.. but.."

"I don't expect you to be okay with everything, Visenya" she said. "I only want you to be happy."

"Princess Visenya!" Ser Erryk yelled.

We both turned around as Ser Erryk held up a small piece of paper.

"From the Princess Saera" he said.

I snatched the paper from him, unrolling it as I read the contents. I felt a smile creep on my face as my eyes instantly began watering. I held the paper to my chest, looking at Ser Erryk.

"Thank you" I whispered.

He tipped his head, disappearing down the hall as I reread the message.

"Is she okay?" Alicent asked.

"She is with child now" I said. "I had always hoped when the day came I could be by her side."

Without a second thought, I threw my hands around her, startling her. Once she processed the action, she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you.. for everything" I said.

"You'll always be my sweet girl" she whispered.

I smiled, breaking apart from her.

"I should tend to Stormbreaker. I'm afraid I have not spent much time with him" I said.

She nodded as I went on to the dragon pit. I had walked alone in silence until I felt a presence behind me. I stopped in place, slowly turning around as I tilted my head.

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Daemon?" I asked. "Like tending to your grieving wife?"

His calm expression turned to rage as I smiled.

"You're a little cunt" he said.

"And what would that make Rhaenyra?" I asked.

I waited for a reaction, not getting one as I turned around to continue my journey to the dragon pit.

"I didn't think you had it in you" he said. "I suppose I underestimated you."

"Aegon the Conqueror underestimated the Maximoff's the same way when he tried to take over Highgarden" I said. "Do not forget who my mothers family is. Trust when I say they are not scared of our dragons as their magic.. my magic can do far more damage than any dragon could do."

He chuckled as I smiled.

"You do not scare me, Daemon. " I said. "You plotted my fathers and sisters deaths but I am not scared. Now, you did not come find me to chat."

He was silent for a few moments before speaking. 

"A truce" he said. 

I whipped my head around, thinking I had misheard his words. 

"What did you just say?" I asked. 

He looked as if he was fighting his own words as I waited. 

"Rhaenyra cannot handle the loss of her child.." he said. 

"Now that she has felt my pain she wants to give up?" I asked. "I was a child when I lost my father! My own sister was a child when she was brutally murdered! And now.. no... the answer is no!"

"She is willing to give up her fight for the throne!" He snapped. 

"Her right to the throne? She has none! My father was the heir before you had him killed! She never has had a right to the throne as long as I've been alive" I said. 

I squeezed my hands as tight as I could, restraining myself from lunging at Daemon. 

"You turned me into this!" I yelled. "Into this person I don't recognize!"

I put my hands on my head as it began spiraling. 

"You took everything from me!" I yelled. 

I held my hands out as his body flew to the wall. I could feel something switch on inside me as I grabbed his sword. I put it to his throat, tilting my head as I watched it sink into his skin. 

"I could end you right now" I whispered. "And nobody would care.. want to know why? You've made enemies out of everyone.. even your own family. There's people who would praise me for it.. killing the Daemon Targaryen."

I dug the sword deeper and deeper until I heard footsteps coming towards us. 

"Princess Visenya!" Ser Rickard yelled. 

I looked at him, dropping the sword as Daemon regained control of his own body, instantly putting his hands over the blood. 

"The difference between you and I, Daemon, is that no matter what I do I will sit the Iron Throne while you're head will end up on a spike" I said. 

I looked at my hand not realizing blood had dripped down from his sword to it. I rubbed it in my hand, smiling before walking away. 

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