Ch 21: Betrayal

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"You drew stars around my scars"

I circled around Vaella as she levitated a small rock. 

"Good" I said. "Now, let's try something bigger."

I looked around, grabbing a bigger rock, setting it down in front of her. I smiled as she barely struggled to levitate it. 

"And you said you couldn't do it" I said. 

"I'm ready for the fire" she said. 

I looked at her surprised. 

"I've been practicing with Saera" she said. 

I walked a couple feet away from her, turning around with a smile on my face. I held my hand up as a ball of fire erupted from my palm. I quickly threw it as she caught it right away. She jumped up and down, looking at the fire. 

"I did it!" She said. 

"You did indeed" I said. "We have done a lot of training, when was the last time you spent quality time with Blacksmoke?"

"A long time" she said. 

I realized how dark it was getting. 

"Perhaps tomorrow you pay him a visit?" I said. "He probably misses you and the sky."

She nodded as I admired her. Unlike mine and Saera's hair, Vaella had the complete opposite. She was the only one who had silver hair that came with the Maximoff's curls. Her cheeks were always rosy red that gave her an ethereal look. 

"What?" She said. 

"Nothing" I smiled. "Now, get inside, it is getting dark."

I looked at Ser Erryk behind her. 

"Please escort my sister to her chambers" I said. 

"Yes, Princess" he said. 

The two left me in silence as I closed my eyes, breathing in the air and listening to the wind. It was peaceful and calming. The peace only last for a few minutes until Ser Arryk came up behind me. 

"Prince Aegon is requesting your immediate presence in your apartments" he said. 

"He actually wants to talk to me?" I said. 

"It's urgent, Princess" he said. 

I turned around, noticing his demeanor. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked. 

"The Prince is in a rather bad mood" he said. 

I walked past him, going inside. My heart began to beat uncontrollably as I pondered as to what he'd be so angry about, what he'd want to talk about. My mind came empty as I walked into our chambers to find Aegon with watery, red puffy eyes. I noticed Valaena sitting on one of the chairs at the table.

"What is going on?" I asked. 

"Is it true?" Aegon asked. 

"Is what true?" I asked. 

He looked up with rage as I backed up. 

"Did you fuck Jace!" He yelled. 

I looked at Valaena who was smiling. 

"My love.." I said. 

I went to grab his hand as he yanked it away. 

"Did you do it?" He asked. 

"What?" I said. "Of course not."

"Don't lie, Visenya" he said. 

"You're going to believe her?" I said. "Her mother is the one planning to usurp me!"

"Visenya!" He yelled. 

I looked in his eyes, watching a single tear fall down his cheek. 

"Aegon..." I whispered. "I'm sorry.. I.. I didn't mean for it to happen."

He huffed before leaving our chambers. I looked at Valaena, summoning a knife to my hand. I walked towards her, holding the knife to her throat. 

"Give me.. one reason not to cut your throat right now" I said. 

I heard screaming, turning my head as my grip on the knife began to loosen. 

"You should probably check on your sister" she said. 

"What did you do?" I asked. 

"Vaella" she whispered. 

I dropped the knife, running as fast as I could out of my chambers. I ran into Ser Criston who was holding me back. 

"Visenya.." he said. 

"Let me go!" I yelled. 

"I can't do that" he said. 

I watched as knights ran into Vaella's chambers. I looked at Ser Criston, feeling something I had never before. It felt as if I was him, inside his mind, forcing him to move out of the way. I ran to her chambers to be met with a pool of blood. 

I put my hand to my heart, slowly walking towards her body as the knights tried to drag me away. I kneeled down, my knees drowning in her blood. No air was escaping my body as I grabbed her face, hands shaking. Tears flooded my eyes as her face began to blur. I screamed out in pain, putting my head on her chest. 

Ser Criston managed to tear me off her body as pain went from my heart to my stomach. Immense pain erupted from my stomach as I grabbed it. I felt something streaming down my legs, pulling up my dress to see blood falling from my legs. 

"Ahhh!" I yelled. 

I fell to my knees, feeling as if I was going into labor. I looked up to see the knights taking Vaella's body when my cries only became louder. Ser Criston brought me back to my chambers where the midwives were waiting. 

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