Two: Winter To the Rescue

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Winter had just finished cleaning up his precious carpet and helping Qibli clean up his cut from the clay pot. He was very, very, annoyed with his... acquaintance. He could call him a friend. He actually wanted to call this dragon a friend. But he just kept hesitating and he couldn't bring himself to be kind to this little idiot. 

"Winter, I'm really sorry about that." Qibli said with a guilty laugh. The Sandwing was sitting on one of Winter's bean bags with an ice pack on the back of his head, where he was hit. The Icewing ignored Qibli's apology, he refused to let the yellow dragon that he felt bad for yelling at him. Instead he huffed and sat down on a bean bag next to him, crossing his arms. "You ruined my carpet." He stated with a eye roll. "C'mon you got to tell me what I can do to fix your mood!" The Sandwing pushed on, trying to get a answer from Winter. 

But Winter was one of the most stubborn dragons in Pyrrhia. He would never give into Qibli's schemes this easily. "But you got to tell me why you were crying earlier!" The white dragon said, imitating Qibli's voice. The Sandwing pouted and leaned back in his bean bag. "I don't sound like that. Plus, It's none of your business!" He shot back, making Winter flinch.

Qibli looked like he was close to crying again. But Winter did not care. He wasn't supposed to care! It is not possible for this to happen!  I am a Icewing prince! I cannot care about, or be friends with a Sandwing! His thoughts turned cruel as he remembered he was not a part of the Icewing tribe anymore. I was kicked out of  my own kingdom and disowned by my own family. Not even this random Sandwing cares about you. But the other side of his brain told him slightly more hopeful things. He's not random. He was your clawmate at Jade Mountain Academy, you defeated The Darkstalker together, and now he is inside of your house with you. You are friends.

Winter looked up at Qibli, he looked really guilty. "Y-you got really quiet all of a sudden..." The other dragon remarked. Winter flicked his tail at the broken pot in the corner of the room. "You make me so angry." He growled at the Sandwing. Qibli played with his earing, smirking at him playfully. "I know, that's my job, princess." He looked satisfied after he said that. This made Winter even more mad. "You idiot! What is wrong with you? Why can't you just tell me?" The Icewing got up and started lashing his tail in anger.

Qibli, looking quite surprised by the Icewing's actions was anxiously still playing with his earing. "Fine, Fine. I'll tell you." He said looking at the floor. Winter turned to look at him. The truth was that Winter was very confused with this guy. One moment he is crying, the next he's joking around and irritating me, And now he's looking as doubtful as ever. What is up with the mood swings!? He thought, feeling very frustrated with himself for not being able to read dragons as well as Qibli. 

"Go on." Winter sighed and sat on the floor, stroking his fluffy carpet. Qibli leaned deeper into the bean bag, as if he was trying to disappear. "I want to break up with Moonwatcher." The Sandwing said flatly. Winter waited for him to say something else. But he did not. "That is all?" The Icewing asked tilting his head to the side, like one of those confused dogs. Qibli nodded, looking at his talons and facepalming. After a couple of seconds he heard some quiet and small sobs come out of his friend. Qibli's body shaking as each one exited his mouth. 

Winter, who was not a huge fan of physical touch, of dragons, not scavengers, wanted to hug Qibli. He wanted to make the poor dragon feel better. He slowly stood up and stalked into the kitchen. The Sandwing didn't even bother to look up, he just kept crying. his sobs were intensifying, and Winter could hear them from the kitchen.

He knew he had a jar of dried scorpions somewhere in his house. He also knew that those were Qibli's favorite. Winter opened the cabinet doors, he dug inside the drawers and looked in every possible place. Why can I not seem to remember where anything is when I need it!?  Finnaly he remembered that he put them in the top cabinet. 

The Icewing rushed out of the kitchen to give the scorpions to Qibli. "H-here." He said, slightly out of breath from running around the kitchen. Th yellow dragon looked up at Winter for a moment.

  To be continued it is like 10:00 PM but I just wanted to submit what I have! Also Thank you to all of the people who are actually reading this. I did not think anyone would. <3

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