Sixteen: She Wants Revenge

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Moon's POV, Kinkajou is finally in the fic! I didn't try too hard to make it very long. It's kind of just a filler because I am too tired to work on the actual plot of this thing. There are 575 words in this chapter. Not too long, sorry! Enjoy reading my trash! :)

Moon flew over Jade Mountain Academy. She looked down at the dragons flooding in through the cave opening. There were so many dragons at the school. The Nightwing was sure that she could find a couple of new friends at the school. She could forget about Qibli and find someone new. 

But there was not a single dragon in Phyria that was same as the Sandwing. A sigh escaped her mouth, as she landed on the hard stone of Jade Mountain. Memories flooded back into her mind. The scenery around her reminding her of the times she had with Qibli and the rest of their winglet. It was all over now. It was all Winter's fault.

The Nightwing could read her ex-boyfriend's mind, she could tell that he hated her and that he was in love with a certain Icewing prince. She was just trying to figure out the problem in their relationship so that she could fix it. Then there would be no need to break up. But he figured it out, he knew. This made her very angry. How could he break up with her for trying to fix things? He wasn't being fair. 

"Moon?" Someone asked from behind her. She turned around to see Kinkajou, one of her friends from their old winglet. "Oh..." She mumbled out, sighing once again. The Rainwing couldn't seem to sense her bad mood, so she kept talking to her. 

"Moon! I haven't seen you in ten million years!" She exclaimed. Moon put on a small, but fake and forced smile. Then she walked over to her friend. "Hi." The Nightwing said quietly, as she stood next to the cheerful pink and yellow dragon. 

"How's Qibli? You guys went to the other continent together, didn't you? Queen Glory told me!" She squeaked again, jumping up and down on her tiny talons. She was talking a bit too loud for Moon's liking. Some dragons even turned their heads around too see what was happening. 

Moon sighed, leading the Rainwing into one of the empty classrooms. "Qibli's great. He seems to be doing perfectly fine without me." She snarled, making Kinkajou flinch. She tilted her head up in amusement. "You and Qibli broke up?" She asked cluelessly. Moon frowned and nodded slowly. "He thought that it would be better if we weren't dating. He's gay." She spat hatefully. Then she added, "He's also in love with Winter." 

Kinkajou gasped covering her mouth with her talons. She looked like she was holding back a smile. "My ships are sailing." She mumbled in excitement. Moon sighed. "I'm glad he's happy I guess." 

The Rainwing nodded quickly. "Yeah..."  She breathed looking up at Moon. "So... does that mean that you're single now?" Kinkajou asked quietly. This made Moon suspicious, was she going to ask her out? She internally cursed Skyfire and looked at her friend. "Yes." She snapped, once she noticed that there had been a long and very awkward silence.

She blushed and looked away. Moon was a idiot. Kinkajou had Turtle and she was going to get her Qibli back soon, anyway. All she needed was a plan to get them to break up... if they even were dating.

"You know..." Moonwatcher trailed off, thinking for another moment. Then she asked, "Kinkajou, you want to help me with something? It's just a favor... I can give you something in return..." And that was how Qibli and Winter's inevitable and daunting fate was chosen.

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