Twenty Eight: Acting

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OK, yeah, I haven't posted in like a long time and this isn't even a really good chapter but it's part of the plot, so you'll have to deal with it. :) But you'll know why my chapters are really bad rn and I'm not posting if you read my author's note thingy. :(

(Abt 500 words)



Qibli was confused to say the least. He didn't know how to calm down Winter, who was sobbing on the floor at the moment. He just stood there, looking at anything but the other dragon. It was embarrassing. 

The Sandwing took a step forward and looked at Winter's reaction. He didn't do anything but wipe away the tears and boogers on his face. He was a ugly crier to be honest. But Qibli didn't care.

He crouched down next to him. "I-I'm sorry." He spoke. "You don't have to forgive me for anything." Winter looked up at him with wide eyes. He sniffed. "I forgi-" His voice cracked, and he turned his head to look the other way in embarrassment. "I forgive you. I-I just... Don't look at me." He mumbled. 

Qibli raised his eye ridges. "What? I-" Winter glared at him. "I look ugly right now. I have- I look ugly crying." He explained, rubbing his nose gently. The Icewing looked up at Qibli. "You're... you're pretty when you cry. I-I'm not." He mumbled. 

"Well thanks, I guess. And you're not ugly by the way." He said with a wink. How did he always manage to flirt with dragons at the worst times. He really was a sand snorting idiot. But right when he was about to internally smack himself, he heard the other dragon laugh.

He looked up in bewilderment. Winter glared at him and stopped laughing. "I told you not to look at me." He grumbled, staring at Qibli. The Sandwing shook his head. "C'mon you're not even ugly-" 

And that resalted it Qibli getting smacked in the face with Winter's spiky tail.


Qibli sat in Kinkajou's room with something cold on his cheek. They told him to put some ice or something on it so it wouldn't swell. But of course, that something cold would happen to be a certain Icewing. 

"Can you get off my shoulder now?" Winter grumbled, raising his eye ridges. Qibli giggled, pulling the Icewing closer to him. "You owe me. You're the one who nearly knocked me out." The taller dragon blushed, looking down. "You're ridiculous." Was all he said.

Thier moment was ruined when Kinkajou snapped her talons and cleared her throat. "Excuse me! You guys are really cute and all, but you're getting a little too close for comfort!" She exclaimed, covering her mouth with her talons and squealing.

Qibli rolled his eyes, giving Winter a look that said, 'see I told you'. Kinkajou shook her head. "Anyway!" The Rainwing said clapping her hands loudly and making both of the boy's flinch. She smiled. "I think the plan worked really well guys! You're really good actors!" 

Qibli looked down. Winter was the actor, Qibli was in love. Winter shook his head as if he was reading the other dragon's mind. " actually- we-" The Icewing stammered. Kinkajou tilted her head. She'd probably never seen Winter trip over his words so much. 

"Are you guys dating?" The Rainwing exclaimed, covering her mouth once again to contain a squeal. Qibli said, "Not really he-" at the same time as Winter said, "Yes." They needed to make up thier minds.

"I'll take that as a yes." Another voice said from the doorway.

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