Seventeen: Friends again

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Super short. I was super tired and still wanted to give you guys something to read even if it is not the best chapter in the world. I've been slacking a bit with these short chapters Haha. But I'm writing two other fanfictions at the same time and trying to post art on Wattpad so :(

Qibli shuffled around in his bed, trying to get comfortable. The sun shined in his eye unhelpfully. He suddenly felt something next to him. Opening one of his eyes slowly he saw Winter lying next to him with an irritated look on his beautiful face.

"Are you done kicking me, hm?" He asked in his monotone voice. Qibli blushed looking the other way. "Did I-um-did I kick you all night?" The Sandwing stammered looking back at Winter. The Icewing nodded, making Qibli even more embarrassed. "Sorry..." He mumbled laying back down and trying to get comfortable. But this was nearly impossible when there was a giant Winter laying on your bed taking up most of the space.

"Let's get up..." Winter sighed and sat up on the bed. The Icewing looked down at Qibli, who was trying to go back to sleep. "No..." He groaned, covering his face with his small, sandy wings. "I don't wanna..." He whined when Winter poked him with one of his talons. 

Once the Icewing poked him several times and uncovered him, by lifting his wing Qibli was awake. "Fine! Fine! I'll get up." The Sandwing whined and sat up, looking at Winter with an angry face. Winter glared at him. "You took too long, and I'm hungry." There was no way Qibli would let him use that as an excuse to abuse him and take away his sleep.

The white dragon got up from the bed and walked over to the door, his talons tapping on the wooden floor of Qibli's room. He turned around to look at the sleepy dragon behind him, sending him another hateful look. 

Qibli, who was still half asleep, nodded dizzily and got up from the bed. The Sandwing opened the door for both of them, letting Winter go through first. The two walked down the hall, trying to avoid getting caught by some of the guards that were chasing them yesterday. 

"Where are we going anyway?" Winter snapped because Qibli was being too quiet. He sighed and looked at the Icewing next to him. "I'm still half asleep, Princess." The shorter dragon replied with a wink. 

Winter rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're so ridiculous." He retorted, walking a little faster to keep up with his friend. When Qibli did not respond the Icewing spoke up again. "I told you not to call me that." 

The Sandwing could tell how calling Winter 'Princess' affected him. It was really funny to him. He looked over at the dragon next to him, deciding to tease him again. "Sorry, I won't call you that again, Princess." He said in a flirtatious tone that caused the Icewing to blush. 

"What's wrong, Princess? You look like a blueberry." Qibli added. Winter had a look on his face that looked like he wanted to murder Qibli. He rolled his eyes and decided to change the subject before Winter started looking like the ocean.

"I hope you're excited to eat some fried scorpions!" The Sandwing said with a giggle, when the Icewing next to him shoved him playfully. "You are so disgusting. I would never eat a scorpion. No respectable Icewing in the Ice kingdom would ever eat something like that." Qibli let out another unnecessarily loud laugh. "You're doing it agian! The thing where you go 'oh in the Ice kingdom,' and then you complain about how terrible it is here." 

Winter couldn't help but laugh a little. It was true. And Winter couldn't deny that. He also couldn't deny that his little crush on Qibli was growing a considerable amount. 


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