Twenty Five: Jade Mountain Academy

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Wattpad says that I have 68 Engaged Readers so thank you, the 68 of you that keep reading this! :) I <3 U! Also guys, I am away from my house rn but when I get back I have some old Qinter sketches from last year I should post on here lol. (The one up there is a drawing I made of one of the scenes in the last chapter) Enjoy the chapter! :)

"I thought you would write back before coming all the way over here!" Kinkajou squealed as she ran towards her friends and body slammed them in a hug. Qibli had the breath knocked out of him. But he didn't care, he was finally here to help Kinkajou.

As the hyper Rainwing let go of him, Qibli looked to the side to see the displeased look on Winter's face. Ha ha someone's jealous. He though, laughing under his breath. It was honestly adorable.

"Oh! And you!!" She jumped into Winter's arms as well, screeching again in excitement. Winter grimaced at the loudness. "Could you tone it down just a little?" He growled, pulling away from the tight hug. Kinkajou pouted. Qibli laughed.

"Enough of that guys! You need to stop goofing off. Were here because Kinkajou needed help." Winter reminded them in a scolding tone. "And you," he said, pointing to Qibli. "You forced me to come her. I'm not-" Qibli let out a loud laugh. "I forced you? I can't say me promising to kiss you is forcing you to come here."

Winter blushed a horrible shade of blue. He looked down at his feet. "You actually did that? Are you guys dating? This is actually great!!" Winter glared at Qibli, who had a guilty look on his face. The Sandwing attempted to calm down Kinkajou. "Jeez, will you calm down for a second with the questions?" He sighed. Kinkajou nodded silently.

"We're not exactly dating-" Winter scoffed. "Pfft! You wish!" Qibli sighed, looking Winter in the eyes. "Yes, I wish." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, why is this great?" Kinkajou was basically jumping up and down with excitement. How was it possible to be so energetic all the time?

"SOBASICALLYMOONMAKETHISPLANTOMAKEQIBLIJEALOUSBYDATINGMEANDITWAS-" "CALM DOWN FOR PHYRIA'S SAKE!" Winter exclaimed, touching his temples. "You are going to give me a migraine. Why did Winter have to be such a mood killer?

Qibli gave the Rainwing a sympathetic look and said, "Slow down a bit, you big rainbow." She nodded a bit too aggressively. It looked like her head was going to fall off.

"Moon made a plan to make you jealous by dating me. But what if we turned it around and used it against her?" Kinkajou explained, a satisfied smile. on her face. Winter and Qibli looked at each other, confused. The Rainwing shook her head in disbelif. "You two really share one non-exsistant brain." She laughed.

"You two have to make her jealous. She had a crush on both of you. But now she want's to make you both miserable. You guys need to date. You guys need to kiss in front of her-" Qibli's face was bright red now. "That's going a bit too far... um-we..." The Sandwing had no idea what to say. He didn't want to make Winter uncomfortable.

Winter nodded a bit too quickly. "We can handle that." He said, a blank expression on his face. Qibli turned to look at him. "Right, Princess." The Sandwing said with a smirk he knew would drive Winter crazy.


"Okay, you ready?" Qibli asked, turning around to face his 'boyfriend'. Winter nodded; he was very visibly trying to keep the smile off of his pale face. "She's coming around the corner with Kinkajou. Start." He said, walking closer to the other dragon.

"Um- Winter, I've been needing to talk to you about something." The Sandwing started, a serious look on his face. Winter tried to act disgusted, but he was feeling... what was it... almost giddy? He was feeling this weird thing in his chest where his heart was jumping up and down.

"Yeah?" He asked, trying to sound clueless, tilting his head to the side. He looked like a confused puppy. "So," Qibli started speaking. Winter could see Moon and Kinkajou from the corner of his eye. Kinkajou fangirling, as always, and Moon looking slightly unintrested.

"So, will you be my boyfriend, Princess?" Qibli asked. It was then that the Icewing realized he had been zoning out for at least a couple of minutes. He blushed. "Yeah... I um... I love you!" Winter said, pulling Qibli into a rib crushing hug. Then they skipped away happily. (requested by Kinkajou of course)

Once they were out of sight Winter laughed breathlessly. "That was a funny joke to pull on them." He giggled, looking at Qibli, who wasn't laughing at all. "I wasn't joking, Princess." He smirked, jumping up in the air so he could reach the taller dragon's face, and kissing his cheek.

"I want you to be my boyfriend."

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