Twenty: Awkward Moments With Queen Thorn

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here is your chapter :) few hours late but whatever :)

Winter was irked by the time they got to eat. Qibli had been teasing him all morning. He was starving and the only thing on the table was scorpions and other kinds of desert foods that he was not going to touch. He had no idea how these Sandwings could deem these things edible.

"You're sure you don't want to eat anything? You seemed really hungry on our way here..." Qibli asked. He was not going to force Winter to eat this rubbish. They never had anything this bad in the Ice kingdom. "No..." The Icewing said quietly, looking at Qibli with pleading eyes. He needed to shut up.

At the moment they were sitting at a table with Queen Thorn, Smolder and Flower, if she counted. It was embarrassing to have Qibli there forcing him to eat something and constantly calling him 'Princess'. He could tell that Smolder was getting annoyed by Winter ogling at his scavenger for so long. But he didn't care. He missed seeing the scavengers back at sanctuary. He also hated to admit that he missed Sky as well.

"Princess?" Qibli whined straight into Winter's ear, making him flinch back at the sound. "What?" He snapped at the dragon next to him. His hunger was causing his good mood to decrease. Qibli raised an eyebrow, looking up at the taller dragon. Winter noticed that the rest of the Sandwings were staring at him. (And Flower)

Suddenly the queen burst out laughing a bit too loud. Smolder looked over at her with a jealous look. Qibli and Winter looked at each other, very confused. Once Queen Thorn had calmed down she said, "That's a nice nickname you got for him." Winter felt the blood rush to his face once he had processed what the queen had said. This was all Qibli's fault.

The Sandwing next to him just started to giggle. "I'm sure he has one for me as well. You know, since I'm his favorite dragon in Pyrrhia." He continued to giggle and look at Winter with his big black eyes.

"What about I call you Sandsnorter? And I'll move to Pantala." Winter retorted, Qibli stopped laughing and looked down at the table for a moment. He looked a little sad. Winter was just about to speak. But when he opened his mouth something was shoved into it, by a certain Sandwing of course. The crunching sound assured the Icewing that it was a scorpion. He wanted to gag and spit it out. But he was in front of royalty. So, instead of spitting the deceased creature out of his mouth he ate it. He actually ate a disgusting fried scorpion.

Once Winter had swallowed the thing and was about to complain, QIbli leaned up and pecked the Icewing's jaw. Leaving him speechless from the shock. Then Queen Thorn went on to apologize about Qibli's rude behavior. Which did not make sense at all because she wasn't even his mother.

When it was time to leave the dining room Qibli kept talking about something. But Winter wasn't paying any attention to what his friend was saying. He was too focused on the fact that he had kissed him. Yeah, it wasn't on the lips or anything. But it was Qibli who had done it, which mad his heart skip a beat and pound a hundred times faster. They walked into the hallway. Qibli continued to ramble. But Winter cut him off.

"Did you just kiss me?"

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