Seven: Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

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I tried to make the chapter longer this time. It was nearly 950 words. Next one will be Moon's or Winter's POV. Thanks for reading. :)

"Actually, I think your just cute in general." What the heck did Qibli just say to him. WHAT THE HELL.
Why would you say that. Your a idiot! I am a IDIOT.

He thought angrily. This was absolutely stupid. Winter was looking at him, the Icewing seemed to be thinking. As he thought his roommate's face just turned more and more blue.

"What?" He spat out. It sounded more like a statement than a question though. Qibli flinched, the Sandwing did not want to answer. He didn't want his friend to think that he was gay. "Erm... nothing." He mumbled looking very confused with himself.

Winter did not force him to speak. He just took a deep breath and turned away from him, going to search the cabinets for food. The dragon that was still in the living room let out a relived sigh. It was going to be alright; no one would know that Qibli was not sure of his sexuality at all. That he secretly thought that his best friend was pretty.

The Sandwing turned around and flopped over on to the bean bag. He had slept in it because Winter had no spare beds and Qibli hated couches. Why did life have to be so confusing for him. He was with Moon for a while, at least a few months. The Sandwing loved her, a lot. But what happened that made him feel like this?! Now all he felt was confused.

Winter coughed loudly, trying to get Qibli's attention. The Sandwing looked up after a couple of long seconds meeting the Icewing's eyes. "What do you want to do today? Are you just going to hang around my house all day, again?" He said, sounding like a strict parent. Qibli sighed leaning farther into the bean bag, as he began to speak. "Well, I don't know! What am I supposed to do!?" He exclaimed, causing the white dragon, in the kitchen to jump.

"How dare you yell at me, I am Queen Glacier's Ne-" Winter snarled at him, pausing when he remembered he was not royalty anymore. He also sighed turning around and storming back to the kitchen. After a few moments the Sandwing heard something that he thought was glass breaking, and a string of curse words from Winter. 

So, Qibli got up from his comfortable seat, rushing over to see if his friend was alright. "What's happening?" He asked as he    turned the corner around the kitchen. Winter had broken a glass jar. It was laying all over the floor, in pieces. 

The Icewing, who was standing in the middle of all this turned to Qibli. He had a guilty look on his face and that, along with his light blue, bloodshot eyes, made The Sandwing want to hold Winter and calm him down and make him feel better and- you get the message. 

A single tear crawled down Winter's face. He turned back, looking at the ground and starting to quickly pick up all of the broken pieces of glass. "Winter! You're going to cut yourself!" Qibli yelled moving forward to stop his friend. The Icewing dropped the glass out of his talons, causing the glass to break more. 

He looked at the floor and then back at Qibli, who was now beside him, and snarled at him. "If I cannot pick this up then you do it!" The Icewing lifted up his talons, looking at them in astonishment. He turned them over, then started to talk to the Sandwing in a very grumpy sounding voice. "I did not even get cut." 

Qibli sighed, giving Winter a disapproving look. He knew a lot about wounds and how sometimes they don't start to bleed right away. "Winter, if you didn't get hurt then why are your talons covered in blue juice?"  He said jokingly.

Winter hissed at him. He got up, off of the floor and walked to the sink to rinse his talons. He huffed as the water made contact with his shiny scales. "Clean that up." He said, giving Qibli a scolding look. It was not even his fault that there was broken glass all over the kitchen floor, It was Winter's! But the Sandwing went to sweep the glass away with his tail. Gingerly avoiding the sharp parts of the glass, until it was in a pile, pressed against the wall. 

By now Winter was finished cleaning his wounds and went to sit on the bean bag. Qibli followed him and sat down on the carpet, in front of him. He turned to the side, looking out the window. The Icewing sighed. "You know that I am not going to allow you to stay in my hut for free." He stated. 

The Sandwing could not help but grin at his friend. "I know." He said, his freckled face sobered, and he looked sad. "I guess I'll just have to go home." Winter flinched and his eyes widened. "What are you going on about!?" He yelped, he was on the edge of his seat, literally. The Icewing was leaning forward almost falling onto the floor, where Qibli was. "Where are you going- What do you mean-" He gasped out, looking deeply perplexed.  "Home." He repeated again. "To Thorn and Smolder. To the outclaws..." It sounded like more of a question than a answer. But Qibli was just trying to hold together. 

He had been so stressed about Moon and the mission, actually everything. He just wanted to go home and relax. He wanted to see his 'family' again. "No." Winter's voice said, making the Sandwing jump. "I want you to stay." 

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