Three: Is It True?

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1324 words! It was a bit late, but I finished it!

Winter held the jar of scorpions close to Qibli's face. Why would Winter have these in his house? He hates these kinds of things. Qibli thought, remembering the time that Winter tasted one of his Sandwing treats.

"Why do you have this?" The yellow dragon sniffed, still feeling a bit sad. "Shut up, I know you like these things. So, stop looking so miserable." Winter said as he glared at the Sandwing. Qibli wiped his tears and took the jar from his friend, opening it and pulling out a scorpion. "Where-" Winter started to speak. But was cut off by the other dragon's loud crunching. He sighed as Qibli stopped crunching. "Where is Mo-" *Crunch* "Stop your loud as hell crunching! It's worse than your snoring!" The Icewing snarled aggressively at him, poking him in the snout.

Qibli flinched at the contact. "Fine." He said with his mouth full. Winter nodded, shutting his eyes for a second. Qibli thought he looked very dignified. "Where is Moon?" He asked after a second of silence. The Icewing sat back down next to the Sandwing, leaning back on a pillow. "She went to the town to... I don't know! She never tells me anything!" He told Winter, the tone of his voice increasing.

The shiny dragon next to Qibli raised a eye ridge. "What do you mean? Is that why you were crying on the floor earlier?" The Sandwing looked at his talons. Winter probably thinks I'm a pathetic loser for crying like that. He just wants to know more about it so he can make fun of you. He thought, making himself feel bad.

"Why do you even care?" Qibli asked with a bit of sass in his voice. The truth was that he was trying to distract Winter from a conversation related to his girlfriend. "I don't care, Sandbutt. I just want to know how Moon is doing." The Sandwing felt his breath hitch in his throat. He felt hurt by Winter's words. But yet he knew they were true. Winter did not care about him. No one did. Not even his own mother.

"Look, I'm sorry." He mumbled to his friend. "I know that you don't care about me. All you care about is Moonwatcher." The Icewing gave him a look of confusion. "Are you sick? Are you dying?" Winter asked skeptically, he tilted his head to the side again. He did this a lot, Qibli thought it was really funny.

"What makes you think that I'm dying? You must be looking forward to that." He responded with a choked laugh and a shrug. Winter kept staring at him, his light blue eyes looking straight through Qibli's soul. "You have never called her Moonwatcher. Not once, I have known you for almost a year, Qibli. Something is up."

Qibli sighed and put his talons to his face. Why is this happening to me? Am I really that easy to read? Or does my friend know me that well? Whatever it was Qibli just wanted to stop talking about this before Winter found out what he was going to do. Break up with Moon. Leave this horrible dragon. The back of his mind echoed. He knew what he had to do, and he was going to do it. If it hurt her, or not.

"Are you going to break up with her?" Winter asked, causing Qibli's eyes to widen in pain and fear. What was wrong with this dragon!? He knows what I'm going to. Winter's just excited because he wants to get with her. He is literally a Icewing prince! That's all she would ever want. She never wanted you, the small and weak dragonet from the Scorpion Den. The one who was sold by his own mother, who never loved him. Not once.

He couldn't hold back anymore. Qibli started sobbing right there, Infront of Winter. It was extremely embarrassing. He thought Winter would leave and call him ridicules or just stare at him and laugh. But no, the Icewing got up and walked over to him. He started to gently rub Qibli's back, wrapping a wing around him. "Calm down. It's not a big deal." Winter said to Qibli. Probably trying to sound comforting. But it was hard to do with his completely monotone voice.

The two dragons shifted, Qibli ended up crying into Winter's chest. Which was cold, but comfortable for the yellow dragon. He couldn't tell if Winter felt ok in this position, or if it was too uncomfortable for him. The nervousness that came with the hug made Qibli forget about all of his doubts and problems.

After the Sandwing's crying subsided the two still stayed in the embrace. Winter nuzzled the yellow dragon's neck, accidently tickling him. Qibli laughed and grinned at the face above him. He was just a dragon, the same as Qibli. The Icewing didn't need to try so hard to make him feel better. "Winter," He said in between giggles. "Stop, that tickles." The white dragon pulled back his head to look at Qibli, blushing. They looked at each other for a moment and then both started to laugh hysterically. 

A knock at the door made them stop laughing. "Let me go get the door." Winter said rising and going over, around the corner, to open the door. Qibli stayed back in the living room. He was too lost in thought to go with his old clawmate . Why is he always like this? I know that he is a little more closed off. He doesn't like touching other dragons either. So why would he do that? One second he's saying how he doesn't care about me, and the next he is hugging me. 

Qibli shook his head trying to stop thinking about it. Then he heard a very familiar voice. Moon was at the door. This was not going to end well. He rushed to the door, trying not to knock any more vases over. As he approached the door he could hear some of their conversation. "Why are you here?" A voice, growled. He guessed that was Winter, always growling at other dragons. "To see you." Another voice said, making Qibli's breath stop for a moment. He stood around the corner so he could listen, without interrupting of course. He wanted to see if Moon would really cheat on him with Winter. 

"Go away, now." The Icewing said unpleasantly. Qibli felt angry now. How dare he talk to Moon like that! Even if I'm not in love with her anymore, that doesn't mean that I don't care about her. He turned the corner and tried to push past Winter, who held him back. "I thought you were staying in the living room." He hissed at Qibli. "Not when my girlfriend is at the door." The Sandwing obliviously responded. Winter huffed and looked back to the Nightwing in front of them.

"Oh," She gasped, anxiously shuffling her feet. "I didn't know that you were going to be here." She stated. Qibli raised a eye ridge and looked at her. "So you came here to see my charming best friend and not me?" He asked with a little fake pout. Moonwatcher did not respond, she just looked from Qibli to Winter. "Why were you here anyways?" She asked. The Nightwing was getting a bit impatient, both of the males could tell. 

Qibli stopped and thought for a second. If Moon came here to see Winter and not him would she be capable of cheating on him with another dragon? Their relationship wasn't the best and they were getting more distant over time. The Sandwing never considered himself as a very smart dragon. But he knew that he was making a smart decision this time.

He turned and looked at Winter. "I need to talk to her," He said, Winter got the hint and went inside. The yellow dragon took a deep breath. This was not going to be easy.

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