Twenty Three: You Owe Me A Kiss

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:) read the title ;))))))
I got my iPad so now I can draw more, her is a little Qibli I made the other day :)

Qibli was very angry. He had just received a letter in the mail from his friend Kinkajou. He peeled open the scroll, reading through it quickly. Halfway through he began to frown. Winter, who was reading from over his shoulder also frowned.

"What's wrong with her?" He said angrily, Winter huffed in agreement, leaning on his shoulder. "We have to help..." The Sandwing sighed, he looked at Winter with pleading eyes. "What do you even want to do?" The Icewing asked, sounding very unsure. He did not want to leave the Sand Kingdom yet. Yes, it was too hot and uncomfortable for him. But he could tell that Qibli was happier in his home.

"Please." Qibli begged, turning his head in the Icewing's direction. Winter couldn't say no to the Sandwing and his cute, freckled face. "Please can we go?" He continued begging him. Winter grabbed the scroll out of Qibli's talons, examining it one more time. He stayed silent, reading through the whole thing.

"I'll buy you a snow cone."


"I'll shut up for two days if you come with me."


"I'll give you a kiss."

Winter went quiet. He wanted a kiss. But there was no way he was going to ask for one or even admit that he really wanted one. The Icewing scoffed, picking his head up, off of Qibli's shoulder. "You want me to kiss you, yeah?" He teased the taller dragon. His face was quickly turning into a dark blue color instead of the pale white it usually was.

Qibli let out a bunch of giggles. "You're so cute like that, my little blueberry." He said, smiling up at the agitated Icewing. Winter scoffed again and rolled his eyes. There was no way Qibli of all dragons was going to get away with calling him a blueberry.

"Shut up, sand snorter!" He snarled, getting closer to the Sandwing so that their faces were only inches away from each other. Winter was fuming. He didn't know what he was going to do. But the nicknames the other dragon gave him were driving him crazy.

"Make me, Princess." Qibli whispered out, a smug look on his face. Winter was going to wipe that smug look straight off of his pretty face. Maybe a bit too literally.

The Icewing grabbed the back of Qibli's head, pulling him in and connecting their lips. That should've made the Sandwing surprised at least. But no, he did not seem even a little surprised, as he kissed Winter back, running his talons on the side of the Icewing's face. Winter was in heaven. Well, he was until a certain dragon's voice interrupted their moment.

Queen Thorn cleared her throat, causing the two of them to jump apart like magnets turned the wrong way. "Uhm... boys... erm... what are you up to?" She stood there awkwardly, shuffling on her feet. Qibli met her eyes, giving her a look of embarrassment. Winter on the other talon could not look away from Qibli's lips as he started to speak.

"Nothing. Do you need anything?" The Sandwing asked politely. The queen shook her head slowly. She looked from Winter to Qibli and then back to Winter. "I just wanted to check up on you guys and see how you're doing." Queen Thorn said awkwardly. This whole situation was very, very awkward.

"O-okay I'll be leaving." Then without another word the dragon turned around on her heal and sped away. Winter let out a sigh of relief, relaxing his stance. Qibli looked Winter in the eyes and started giggling again.

"You have to go to Jade Mountain Academy with me. I kissed you, and I know you liked it." Winter scoffed. "First of all, I kissed you. Second, I'm not-" The Icewing was cut off by a talon being placed on his lips. "Shush, you idiot." Qibli whispered, pecking him on the lips and walking away.

Winter was going to have to go to Jade Mountain Academy if he wanted more kisses. So, Winter was going to have to go to Jade Mountain Academy...

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