Fourteen: I Thought That You Were My Advisor, Not I Yours

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I finnaly finished this thing! I'm finishing editing the fifteenth chapter and then I will post it! Also, my ipad is broken so I can't make anymore digital art for you guys. I will probably sketch some stuff though! Thanks for reading <3

Qibli was sitting on his bed, still pretty tired. He wanted to go back to sleep and sleep forever. But he had ben woken up by the rude desert sun shining onto his freckled face. Then there was a knock on the door of his room. He sighed and started to get up and off of the bed. "Who is it?" He asked wearily. The door slammed open revealing a Sandwing guard. He was abnormally tall and as he moved Qibli could see how stiff his movements were.

"Queen Thorn has finished all of her duties. She is ready to see you." The guard stated in his gruff voice. The Sandwing guard then turned and left, closing the door gently behind him. What a weird dragon he was...

He scrambled over to the door, slamming it open quite forcefully once again. As Qibli made his way through the halls of the Sandwing palace he remembered that he should look at least a bit presentable for this moment. He was going to see the Sandwing queen after all. He stopped at the humungous door of the throne room, looking up at it in admiration. He adjusted his single earing and then walked into the room.

Thorn was sitting on her throne looking very unamused. Well, she was until she saw Qibli. Her face lit up and she slouched a bit, knowing that it was just Qibli and that she did not have to look oh so regal in front of him. 

"Qibli!" The queen exclaimed as she flashed a smile in his direction. Then she turned to the four guards that were at her sides. "You are dismissed, I would like to talk to my advisor alone." She dismissed them. But she was interrupted by another voice. "No, they should stay right here. With us so they can protect you." 

Thorn rolled her eyes and looked over at Smolder. She gestured to Qibli. "It's only Qibli, he's just as good as a son to me." Smolder scowled at Qibli, making the Sandwing blush the smallest bit. The queen glared at Smolder and argued with him again. "First of all; I am the queen. I can dismiss my guards whenever I want. Second; we've been over this. I've known Qibli long enough to know that he would never hurt me."

"Fine." He finally said, a clearly unsatisfied look on his face. Then he turned to the four guards and walked out of the room with them.

"So, is there anything wrong?" Thorn asked gently. Qibli's breath hitched in his throat, he nodded quickly. He could tell that his queen was getting a little suspicious of him. "Then why are you here? I know that you would never just barge in here and try to speak to me without a reason. Not to mention that your appearance is just so..."

The Sandwing blushed again. "What's wrong with my appearance?" He asked cheekily. The Sandwing queen huffed looking over Qibli. "Your earing is crooked; you look exhausted and that Icewing prince is not with you for once." She said roasting Qibli's appearance as she spoke. 

His talons went right up to his earing to find that it was in fact crooked. He sighed and then asked her. "You mean Winter?" She nodded, giving him a bit of a suspicious look. "Why is he not with you?" 

Qibli blushed, looking at the tile floors on the ground. They were starting to look quite interesting. Well, more interesting than telling his queen that he had issues with his friend. "I messed up..." Was all he said. 

Once he was silent the queen started to speak once again. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to." She said calmly.  Qibli sighed and looked up at the Sandwing queen sitting in front of him. "Well, I-" The poor dragon was cut off by a loud knock at the door of the throne room. 

Queen Thorn sighed and gave her close friend an apologetic look. "Come in." She hollered across the large room. Two guards slowly and carefully opened the door. "There is a Icewing who wants to see you." One of them said, it was the same one that came to get Qibli; the one with the extremely gruff voice and burly build. 

The guard turned his head over to Qibli, looking him over. Qibli's eyes widened as he heard that it was a Icewing. There was a high possibility that it was Winter. But the Sandwing was not ready to see him again. He started to panic. Luckily the queen caught on and started talking to the guards again.

"We can see him later, give him a room to stay in. Did he fly all the way here? He must be exhausted." She told the two guards. They both nodded, turning around and going to see the Icewing. 

Qibli hoped with all his heart that it was not Winter coming to see him. He had messed up really bad with him and he needed to be alone for a while. He let out a sigh of relief and thanked Thorn quickly, trotting out of the throne room. 

He shut the door carefully and kept on walking, making his way to his room to most likely sleep again or write down some puns to annoy Winter with later. The Sandwing kept his head tilted downward, eyes glued to the floor.

The dragon was getting close to his room when he crashed into something, or someone. Looking up, he saw the tall and handsome Icewing, who he had been trying to avoid a few seconds before. As he looked up at the Icewing a small grin tugged at his mouth. It was stupid trying to avoid him. 

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