Thirteen: Snail Hunting

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There are only 690 words in this chapter. I started it right after I finished 12 and it took me a while because I had no idea what the hell to write. Sorry this is a day late, it was Friday for me yesterday. Had a sh!t day. Might make more fan art. Enjoy the chapter.

Winter was out of breath. He could not keep running for much longer. His throat was burning, and his legs felt like they were going to melt. Yet the other dragon was still sprinting ahead of him as if he was immune to pain or exhaustion. Sky had to get tired eventually... right? Dragons couldn't run for all of eternity, they had to take breaks. All Winter knew was that he needed to have a break right now. It was not possible for him to keep running like this, after this huge idiot. 

The Icewing slowed to a walk, as he gasped for air. His legs wobbled slightly as he tried to keep up a faster walk. But he just couldn't. As you could see, Winter was not fond of running and things. He could fly, yes, he was an amazing flyer. But running was just terrible, the ground was soft and mushy; the branches would smack him in the face and mud would splash all over his white scales. The only thing he could be thankful for right now was that he was not in the rain kingdom where the ground was even more spongy and wet. 

"You aren't too fast, are you?" Sky called from farther ahead. Winter let out an angered groan and started to walk a little faster towards the Skywing. He just couldn't grasp how the dragon was not breathless at this point or struggling at all. 

Sky sat down on the squashy forest floor, sighing. The Skywing looked oddly relaxed on the gross muddy surface. The Icewing followed him, but he would not take pleasure in sitting on such a soggy surface. He preferred the bean bags that he had at home. So, he stood next to Sky, attempting to catch his breath.

"Some of the snails like to hide in the plants." Sky stated, getting up onto his feet and turning to look at Winter. He grinned at the Icewing and started to walk over to a small tree. Winter sighed, as he looked over at the Skywing looking for snails. He knew that Sky liked small animals with shells, but he wasn't expecting him to go looking for them with him. And worst of all, Winter had to admit to himself that this would be at least a hundred times less terrible is Qibli was here, because Qibli always made everything less terrible. 

"What are you thinking about? You look... angry..." Winter jumped backwards a few steps, startled by the Skywing being all in his face. Sky stepped forward to get closer to him, looking him in the eye. "Are you angry at me?" He asked, sounding just a little bit heartbroken. The Icewing scoffed, rolling his eyes and responding with a simple, "Never." Sky smiled one again, lifting his talons to gesture to Winter's face as he spoke, getting a bit of mud in the poor dragon's eyes. "Great, because I think that we should keep looking!" He exclaimed, smiling a little bit wider. 

Winter grimaced slightly, looking away. He did not want to be mean to Sky. But he was finished. He was never going to go snail hunting ever again. "Actually," The Icewing said, frowning a bit. "Sky, I think we-you should go back to the village. I'm going to fly somewhere." The Skywing looked at him quizzically. Then he asked, "Where are you going to fly?" 

The white dragon sighed and rolled his eyes for the hundredth time in that day. "Sand kingdom, I need to see Qib-someone..." He admitted, feeling just a bit guilty. Sky nodded, beginning to walk away, a wide smirk on his lips. "Go on, go see your boyfriend." The Skywing teased, before running into the forest and out of Winter's sight.

He knew for sure that he was not a stalker, of course he wasn't. That would be creepy. But he wanted to see Qibli agian, even though he was probably very mad at him. Winter missed the stupid dragon and his stupid puns and his- whatever... He needed to shut up.
The Icewing took off and began to fly in the direction of the Sandkingdom. 

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