In Another Universe (Chapter 6)

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"Not again."

The blanket that was previously draped over you is now discarded on the ground as the sheets underneath you are sweaty and damp. Ripping your long sleeve shirt off your body, you discard it haphazardly in your room as you swing your legs off the bed and tap your watch that's sitting on your bedside table. With a few shaky taps the watch projects into the dark room.


Quickly you notice the red arrow pointed down next to the number, even more so lighting a fire under you to get up and get what you need. Finally getting yourself on your feet, you stagger your way out of your room and up toward the kitchen, your second home at this point. On your way out the door you don't bother putting on a shirt, leaving you only in a sports bra (that you accidentally fell asleep in) and a pair of shorts.

Black spots invading your vision make the trip out of the elevator more difficult than normal. Making it into the kitchen as quickly as possible, you stop as you notice something on the counter, seemingly waiting for you.

A small apple juice is sitting on the counter. Not able to take the time to question why it's there, you quickly grab the carton and chug the drink. Once the last sip hits your lips, you lower the plastic container and sigh, leaning on your arms on the counter so you can rest your head on them.

"Why don't you have any clothes on?"

Your head shoots up at the sound, slightly making you even more dizzy than you already were. Not sure if the table-side lamp in the living room area was always on or not, you clearly see it now as the leader of your fan club pushes herself up from the chair she was sitting in.

Not able to answer her, still slightly in a state of confusion from your near medical emergency, Natasha makes her way towards you and gestures to your body, trying to get you to answer her question.

"Right. Well, technically I have clothes on. Just not a shirt."

Natasha joins you at the counter, looking over you curiously before she takes the empty container and tosses it in the trash. "Ok, why don't you have a shirt on?"

Finally feeling slightly more aware of what's going on, you wipe the sweat from your forehead and transfer it to your shorts. "I sweat through it." You don't offer anymore explanation, not wanting to be having a conversation with Natasha after just earlier today finding her looking into your entire life.

Not pushing you to continue on the topic, Natasha changes the flow of conversation. "You weren't at dinner."

"Nope, and that's why I'm here again at 2am." As soon as the words leave your mouth you regret it, giving up more information to Natasha than you intended. You know she picked up on your admission but luckily she doesn't acknowledge it.

"Why didn't you go?"

"Didn't feel like it."

"Didn't feel like eating?"

Letting out a huff, you run a hand through the back of your hair. "What, is this 20 questions? Why are you so interested in my eating habits? I'm sure you could just look into me again and find out everything your heart desires about what and when I eat."

"What's your medical device on your side for?"

Natasha completely ignores your outburst and once again changes the flow of the conversation, only adding to your growing annoyance and frustration with the woman in front of you. "Who said it was a medical device?" You watch her quirk an eyebrow at you, reminding you that a few hours ago she was reading about your whole life. Realizing she actually doesn't know why you wear the device, you relax a little, knowing for a little longer you don't have to tell people about something that you see as making you weak.

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