A Miscommunication (Chapter 24)

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Being careful not to move a muscle, you peek open one of your eyes and slowly try moving your head to look behind you. Slightly unable to comprehend the situation that is slowly unfolding thanks to the fog still present in your mind from sleepiness, you give your eyes a few hard blinks as you try to make sure what you are seeing is real. Behind you is Natasha who to your surprise is cuddled into your back, doing her best impersonation of a jetpack. The small but tight grip of Natasha's hands holding onto the hem of your shirt sends a wave of mixed emotions through your mind.

Before you have the chance to think too long on the multitude of thoughts flashing through your mind, all of your movements instantly pause when you feel Natasha move. For the second time in less than 5 minutes, you find yourself experiencing something you never could have ever imagined even in your wildest dreams. Natasha's body stays snug against yours but her arm takes up a new home around your waist. Instinctively, she pulls you closer to her as her hand finds the hem of your shirt but this time in the front.

The small touch of her fingers against your skin causes you to tense your abs. Natasha's hand moves lower as she slowly lifts up your shirt and–

"Y/N, wake your ass up right now!"

Kate crashes down on top of you, officially waking you up from your dream. Well, does it count as a dream if it actually happened? Yesterday you woke up from your night in the world's most perfect bed to Natasha cuddling into you in her sleep. But as soon as you were aware of it happening, Natasha woke up and retracted her arm from your body at lightning speed before rolling over to the edge of the bed. You could tell she struggled with herself with what to do, but ultimately she swiftly left the bed before you were 'awake' and got ready for the day.

"Kate, get the hell off of me." You groan, rolling over as you push Kate off of your body. Squealing as she gets flipped to the other side of the bed, you rub the sleep out of your eyes but ultimately pull the blanket over your head trying to hide from the menace that disrupted your perfect dream. As soon as the blanket covers your head, it's swiftly yanked off leaving you exposed to both the cold of your room and a very expectant Kate Bishop.

"No way, you are not hiding from me right now. You do not call someone and drop a bomb on them like you did then ghost them! So spill. What the hell happened during your week away with Natasha?"

"I did not drop a 'bomb'." You groan, accepting the fact that your sleep and your dream are both never coming back.

"Uh, yes you did! You and Natasha kissed!"

"Correction, we did not kiss. We almost kissed. There is a difference."

Kate rolls her eyes as you push yourself up in the bed, joining her by sitting with your back against the headboard. "Don't be so grumpy. It's already 11am, stop acting like I am waking you up at 4:00 in the morning or something." Leaning your head back against the headboard, you close your eyes for a few moments, officially mourning what was meant to be you sleeping in your bed all day and avoiding all of your responsibilities.

"I slept on a couch for the past 6 days. I was literally dreaming of being back in this bed and you're here interrupting my reunion."

Kate lets out a laugh as she leans over and ruffles your hair, making your bed head 10x worse than it already was. Slapping her hand away, you hit her with the biggest side-eye you can muster which only fuels her clear enjoyment of this situation.

"Wait." Suddenly getting serious, Kate squints her eyes as she appears to try to look through you. Giving her your own questioning look, you fix your hair as you silently wait for Kate to share whatever it is she is thinking.

"You were gone for 7 days and nights."


"You said you slept on the couch for 6 days though."

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