Natasha Fucking Romanoff (Chapter 3)

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Well this is shit. Guess that was a way to really emphasize the fact that I am nothing more than a basic human and have no super abilities. I mean come on, my body is defective for fucks sake.

"Buddy?" The AI flies into the room, looking at you worried. As soon as you got back to your room you immediately let him out of his prison Tony forced him into. Once he booted up he was shocked by how you looked, not even taking in his new surroundings. "Can you give me a scan and let me know what's wrong?" Lifting up your shirt, you inspect the damage that Natasha inflicted on you but quickly pull it down once you see how bad it looks.

Buddy gives you a nod and circles your body, scanning you from head to toe before he projects a mini version of your body in front of you with specific areas lit up. "Your nose took a lot of damage but it appears to not be broken, just bloody. The impact also irritated your gums which caused the blood in your mouth, but all of your teeth are intact."

"Well that's bloody good. Would have been pissed if I was missing a tooth." Buddy rolls his eyes at your attempt to cope with humor and continues his analysis.

"You will have bruises from the impact of your shoulder on the mat. Your device, which was completely shattered and is unsalvageable, did cause the most damage. You have a gash in your side that will require stitching to properly heal. It also needs to be cleaned in order to avoid infection and further harm."

You sigh and mumble a thank you to Buddy who leaves you alone in the bathroom. Under the sink you find a basic first aid kit. You clean your wound to the best of your ability, slightly wincing every time you make contact with your skin. Placing a piece of gauze on top of it, you wrap it and head out of the bathroom to find a non-bloody shirt.

"Does this place come with an on-call doctor because how the hell do I get stitches?" Pulling on a new shirt you make your way over to the couch and slowly sink down. Becoming painfully aware of how bad your body currently feels you grimace as you try to think what to do.

"Wait... Hey, FRIDAY?"

"Yes, y/n?" You smile as the lovely voice of your second favorite AI speaks out in your room.

"What does someone do in this place when they get hurt bad enough to need stitches?"

"They stitch themselves up. All individuals currently in the compound have basic medic training and possess the needed knowledge to perform basic stitch work."

A loud groan leaves your mouth. Deciding this will be a problem for tomorrow, you cautiously push yourself off the couch and towards your door.

"Where are you going?" Buddy meets you at the door, slightly blocking you from leaving.

"Stop being clingy. I am heading to the lab to make a new device since as we both know, I sort of need it to live."

Buddy gives you a small glare, "I am not clingy". You give his head a small pat before opening the door to leave. "Whatever you say." Closing the door behind you quietly, not wanting to draw attention from anyone at the moment, you drag yourself to the elevator and up to the third floor.

Tony didn't tell you exactly where the lab was so after numerous failures of walking into offices, bathrooms, and even a closet, you finally find what you are assuming is your lab. If you weren't in so much pain or in such a hurry, you would have been impressed by the setup. The room was just as big as your room, but the entire back wall was a giant window that had a door in the middle which led to a balcony. On the inside there were numerous computers, speakers, control panels, different chemicals and other source materials.

With a quick swipe of your hand, a control panel emits a hologram in the air which allows you to swipe through various screens. You quickly find what you are looking for and the speakers come to life, playing St. Patrick by PVRIS.

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