See My Youth in You (Chapter 26)

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"Y/N, wake up."


Shifting in your laying position, you scrunch yourself smaller and try tugging the blanket higher up to cover your body, completely ignoring the voice trying to pull you out of your dreams. Growing frustrated with the blanket seemingly being held down by the Hulk, you give up and retreat into yourself further for warmth.

"Stop being cute and wake up. I'm pretty sure you have somebody waiting for you right now."

Not able to fully comprehend the words you are hearing, you try one last time to get the voice to politely shut up and leave you to sleep so you can continue your dream. Trying to roll over and face the opposite direction of the annoying human alarm clock, your body immediately is halted in its tracks by what can only be described as a blanket of warmth. The sensation makes you simultaneously want to fall asleep instantly in the comfort of whatever it is that wrapped you up, but also jolts all of your senses and makes you hyper aware of your existence.

"You don't want to keep Natasha–"

At the sound of her name the realization finally sets in. Your body shoots up into a sitting position, almost knocking Wanda off the bed with your sudden movement. With your eyes now open wide, you glance around the room until you land on a clock. The time reads 01:50 AM.

"Oh, so all I had to do was say her name and now magically you are awake? Noted."

Rubbing your eyes you turn your head to face Wanda. She is dressed in comfy clothes and has her bedside table lamp on, being the only source of light in the dark room. Next to her lamp sits a book with a bookmark sticking out of the top.

"When did I fall asleep?" The sleepiness in your voice causes your words to come out in a low mumble, making your voice sound raspier than it normally does.

"About two and a half hours ago. You looked too peaceful to wake up."

Wanda reaches over and gently fixes your bedhead. The sensation of her fingers gently pushing your hair back in place, the light touches of her fingertips against your skin, sends a feeling of familiarity and comfort across your body. Almost as if she felt it too, Wanda's movements hesitate for a moment, providing a brief pause before she continues.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." Wanda waves off your apology, continuing to fix up your hair before sliding her thumb across your cheek and dropping her hand down in her own lap once she is done. "Why are you still awake though? I didn't think you were much of a night owl since you are always in the kitchen first thing in the morning cooking breakfast for everyone almost every day."

"I like the night. It's peaceful. One of the only times of day where it is truly quiet around here." You look at Wanda confused, clearly not agreeing that the compound ever tends to get too loud. Noticing your confusion she elaborates without you needing to ask. "Between 11pm and 3am there tends to be this moment of peace. Everyone is winding down for the night and going to sleep. All of the different thoughts, anxieties, nerves, doubts people carry with them all day seem to melt away which makes things not so loud for me."

Nodding your head in understanding, you let your own mind wonder for a moment what it must be like to be able to hear and feel people's thoughts and feelings. Quickly that thought gets shaken out of your mind as something else sticks out from what Wanda just said.

"What happens after 3am?" Wanda looks at you but doesn't make a move to answer. "You gave a very specific time-frame for when it's quiet, so what happens after 3am?"

Slightly looking away, you notice Wanda's body tense up before she actively relaxes her muscles and turns back to face you. As if she is ashamed or guilty of the answer, her eyes downcast as she responds. "The nightmares start."

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