A Very PG Movie Night (Chapter 33)

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"Peter, can you be serious for 5 minutes PLEASE!" You huff out as you run a hand through your hair.

"I imagine it's hard being serious when your frontal lobe hasn't snapped into place yet." You glare at Tony, who for a dad hasn't been acting very protective over his essentially adopted son during your conversation with Peter.

"So what's your excuse then?" You quip back at Tony who feigns fake offense at your comment.

It's been a couple of weeks since you got back from your mission with Natasha where you learned there is a masked villain out there plotting to take down Peter for no apparent reason. You'll admit, after Peter "promised" to decrease his amount of nighttime patrolling and agreed to send status updates any time he did go out, the immediate threat on his life felt less imminent which left you and the rest of the team to be easily swept up in life. But these last few days the news has picked up on the masked villain making his rounds around the city and the teams intel has been noting an increase in production of items being created in Oscorp that are not making their way out of the building, meaning more weapons are being created inside the labs when all of the scientists leave for the night.

"If I had parents I imagine this is what it would feel like when they fight right in front of you."

Peter unsticks himself from the ceiling and lands in between you and Tony. Tony chuckles at his comment as you watch Peter walk over to your lab bench and pick up a copy of the blueprints for the pumpkin bomb and a copy of the chemical formula for the gas found inside the bombs. Unlike when Natasha stares at the chemical equations, you know Peter genuinely understands what the formulas are saying and the effect they would have on him if he were to ever find himself in the path of one of these bombs.

"How many of these things does he have? And who even is he anyway?" Peter raises the blueprints into the air using the light above to show more of the schematics of the technology.

"We aren't sure how many of those bombs exist. Last time I was looking through Oscorp's servers it didn't appear that more than one had been made in a trial run, but we know something is being produced at a high volume in their labs recently. We haven't been able to confirm what exactly is being produced just yet though."

Peter raises an eyebrow and snaps his attention to you when a word sticks out to him. Before you can answer his other question he interrupts you with a bit of concern in his voice which before this moment he had not expressed the tiniest ounce of concern over the entire situation.

"You said Oscorp?"

"Wait hold up, did you just say you were on Oscorp's servers? Since when did you become a rule breaker?" Tony looks at you amused but you're more focused on Peter who looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Yes, we know Oscorp is connected to the Green Goblin and both the pumpkin bomb and glider." You say with a bit of your own concern found in your voice. Peter appears to zone out again, but this time the look on his face tells you it's not because he is bored, but rather something you said just altered his entire perception of what was happening.

"Peter... what is it?"

Tony notices the frantic state Peter is now in and tries to get him to refocus on the two of you but it's of no use. Peter starts to pace back and forth, mumbling to himself in mostly incoherent sentences. What you do pick up is the name "Harry". You and Tony look at each other, unsure of what sent Peter into this spiral exactly but the sound of Buddy's voice coming out of the speakers in your lab cuts through your confusion.

"Dangerously high heart rate detected."

Peter continues his movements, either ignoring Buddy's warning or genuinely not hearing him over his own heartbeat in his ears. Springing towards him, you catch Peter by the wrist and bend his arm to rest his hand on his stomach. In the same second you take his other arm and move his hand onto his chest. In a split second you successfully got him to stop moving but the panic in his eyes is very much still present. Without a word, you take in a deep breath, inhaling deeply. Peter catches on and does the same. You coach him through a few more breaths before you can feel his heart rate decrease before you drop your hold on his wrists.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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