That's Pretty Badass (Chapter 19)

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[TW: Mentions of abuse]

"I can't believe you refused to take a gun with you. We don't know much about the girl, she could be dangerous."

"One, me having that gun would have been more dangerous for me than it would have been for anyone else. I've never even shot one before. And two, I don't think the tight black dress she was wearing leaves much room to have a hidden gun. I will be fine."

"You're starting shooting lessons as soon as we get back. How did they let you on this team without knowing how to shoot a gun?"

"I think the real question we need answered is, 'how did they let me on this team' period."

The elevator dings just before the doors open. It seems like most of the guests have settled down for the night, leaving few people wandering around the resort. Some are leaving a late night dinner reservation, while others are stumbling to and from the various bars scattered across the resort. Stepping out of the elevator you head toward the bar you were instructed to meet at.

"And you would be surprised what can be hidden under one of those tight black dresses. I'll have to show you sometime." You can hear the fake insinuation dripping from her words. Not taking the bait, and not wanting to look like a weirdo who talks to themselves, you stay quiet as you continue walking in the direction of the bar.

After your brief stargazing intermission earlier, you were left with less than an hour to get put together and briefed on the plan from Natasha. Not arguing or fighting back as she handled you like a doll, you had let her tug your shirt off so she could attach a recording device to your skin (apparently the in-ear device you had to wear was unable to record audio but rather only transmit it). The entire time your shirt was off and Natasha was fiddling with the device, you kept your gaze up on the ceiling, not daring to make direct eye contact with her in your vulnerable position. Her hands continuously grazed your skin with incredibly soft touches and you were certain Natasha must have noticed the way your body reacted to her touch.

While attaching the new device to your skin, you noticed her eyes had moved down your body and landed on your own device a few times. At this point, the cat is out of the bag and she knows it's a medical device that helps to keep you alive, but what you need it for is still a mystery to her and the rest of the team. It seems silly, still refusing to tell them about it, especially since mostly everyone has seen it, but there is still that voice in your head that talks down upon it. Tricking you that it is a visible example that proves your mind right in its thinking that you are broken. This medical situation is just one of many reasons as to why you lack a sense of worthiness in your own life.

In addition to the recording device, Natasha tried to get you to bring a small gun 'just in case'. Adamantly refusing, she groaned but demanded you take something at least. Not daring to argue back at that, you accepted a small knife that has the ability to heat up to the temperature of lava apparently. Now why you would ever need a knife that gets that hot is beyond you, but you took her weird spy toy and attached it around your ankle. She also attached a tracker to your shoe after making a comment about how they never make you take your shoes off.

Natasha's game plan was vague. Just chat the girl up and get her to spill some information she can use to figure out if Osborn is up to any sketchy shit. Sounds easy enough, but also not at all. How you are meant to get the girl to spill the beans on a criminal operation is beyond you, but Natasha tried to reassure you that people are a lot dumber than you would think and that if you flirt with them a little bit they will tell you whatever you wanted.

"She is waiting for you at the bar. Remember, don't leave for another location with her. I only have access to the camera's inside this specific section of the hotel. I'll need you to get access to the rest of the cameras tomorrow."

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