Thinking About You (Chapter 29)

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The morning sun peaking through from the half drawn curtains fills the room with a warm gentle glow. The light hits your face, helping to slowly wake you up. Stirring awake, you gradually become aware of the slight weight on your chest. Blinking your eyes open slowly you peek down, not having the time to push away the warm feeling that fills your body at what you see.

With slightly messy hair, thanks to her notorious bedhead, Wanda lays on top of you. Her body is cuddled into yours, head nestled against your chest, with her breathing completely steady and peaceful. The light from the window bounces off of her slightly red hair, further illuminating her presence in the room. Letting the moment simply play out, you let yourself relax into the bed and do your best not to disturb the sleeping beauty on top of you.

After a few minutes of peace, you notice the time on the clock. It's still fairly early in the morning but based on all of the food you need to make and the meticulous schedule you created for your cooking endeavors today, you sadly realize you need to break out of your peaceful bubble with Wanda and start prepping for tonight. Letting a few more seconds tick by, you eventually bring yourself to start to wake Wanda up. Reaching out, you brush some of the loose strands of hair from her face as you let your thumb gently pass back and forth along her cheek. Your movements cause her to cuddle a little deeper into your chest, not exactly waking her up like you had intended.

Slightly laughing at her body's automatic response, you try again. Running your hand through her hair a few times you get her breathing to become less rhythmic, indicating to you she is waking up. Moving your hand from her hair to further down her body, you gently rub up and down her back until you notice her eyes flutter open and make contact with yours. You give her a soft smile, never stopping the slow movement of your hand up and down her back.

"Good morning," your voice comes out in a soft tone, barely louder than a whisper in an attempt to keep the serene atmosphere between the both of you.

Wanda blinks a few more times, adjusting to the light of the room. Her lips curl into a soft and sleepy smile, "Morning." Suddenly becoming aware of her close proximity to you, Wanda looks down and immediately moves to pull her body away from yours. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize–"

Flattening your hand that was rubbing up and down her back, you easily keep Wanda in place and stop her from moving away from you. "Everything is fine Wanda. Nothing needs to be weird or change. I don't mind this, as long as you're okay with it that is." Once you're able to get your thoughts out and notice the panic leave her eyes, you release your hand from her back to allow her to move if she decides that's what she is comfortable with. But she doesn't. Wanda repositions her body so she is still wrapped up against you but at a better angle to see your face.


Wanda nods and slightly hides her growing blush. Placing your arm back around her body, you continue your soft movements against her back. "Good. I kind of like having you close, so I hope that doesn't change."

"Me too."

Both of your smiles grow, a shared feeling of warmth and contentment filling your chests. After getting back to Wanda's room last night and talking through some of the confusing feelings you have been having, the two of you decided to stay up a bit longer to settle some of the lingering awkward feelings left in the air after your kiss. Luckily for you, Wanda is nothing short of understanding and never made you feel guilty or bad about not being able to determine exactly how you were feeling. The remainder of your night consisted of casual conversation, the usual joking and laughing, a few more moments of serious conversation around feelings, but in the end your time with Wanda came to a natural close where it was easy for you to decide to sleep in her room with her.

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