Walk of Shame (Chapter 4)

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Well last night fucking sucked, and I got absolutely no sleep after yet another 2am rendezvous with my least favorite redhead. Maybe after I get through my training with Wanda and the other one later this morning then I can hide-away in my room and take a nap for the remainder of the day...

Let me correct that actually. IF I get through my training. There is no guarantee I am making it out alive after what happened last time. I'm pretty sure if Kate hadn't been there, Yelena would have just let Natasha finish me off without a second thought.

I think now if that scenario were to happen Yelena would at least attempt to stop her sister. I did feed her after all, and that seemed to get her to warm up to me last night.

Y/n wipes the sweat off of their face and takes off their drenched t-shirt. Since they weren't able to get much sleep, they decided to make up for lost training and get in an early workout this morning before their training with Wanda and Natasha at 11:00am. It was just a little after 7am so they were able to train uninterrupted, though they swore they saw a shadow in the doorway at one point but shrugged it off when they didn't see anyone walk by or come inside.

With their soaked shirt hanging around their neck, y/n makes it to the kitchen and chugs a bottle of water before moving their attention to a bowl of fruit on the counter. Sighing in relief once they drank most of the water, they grab a banana and sit on the closest stool.

The compound is quiet in the mornings. People are usually awake but most don't make their first appearances in common areas until after 8:30am at the earliest. Since missions are always popping up, the group tends to cherish any time they have that doesn't involve their life being at risk, which means alone time tends to be a fan favorite, at least in the mornings. The night brings its own set of obstacles for those that stay here. Y/n has only spent a few nights here so far but has already heard what they are assuming are screams from nightmares coming from down the hall, along with numerous doors opening and closing throughout the night as individuals for whatever reason go in and out of each other's rooms.

"Where did you go last night? And why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

You choke on your banana. Yelena's voice startles you but her questions are what catch you the most off guard. You watch as she groggily walks over to the coffee machine and places a mug underneath it, pressing a few buttons before the warm liquid starts pouring into her cup. She takes a spoon and scoops up some sugar that she dunks into her coffee once it stops brewing. After a quick stir she blows on the hot liquid a few times before taking a sip and sighing in contentment.

Once she gets a few sips of coffee in she looks back at you expectantly. As soon as you start talking she moves back to the cupboard and pulls down two more mugs, still letting you know she expects you to answer her questions.

"Oh, uh well I just figured I should sleep in my bed. I didn't think Kate intended on all three of us crashing in there last night, so I just wanted to get out of her hair." Yelena seems to accept that answer as she mimics her earlier actions and places a new cup of coffee to the side before bringing the third to the counter you are sitting at. She places the cup in front of you and gestures at the sugar and creamer. Without words you point to the creamer and she grabs it, pouring some in the mug still by the machine before she brings it over to your mug and pours some in before giving it a stir. Once she is satisfied that everything is mixed, she pushes the mug closer to you. You give her a smile and a small thank you before answering her second question.

"As for the shirt thing, I did a quick workout this morning and it's a bit wet so I took it off. I honestly didn't expect anyone to be up yet..." You trail off, becoming more aware that you are sitting in the kitchen of your new home with someone you just met a few days ago and you have no shirt on, leaving you in just a sports bra. Yelena must pick up on your sudden realization and slightly laughs to herself before taking another sip of her coffee.

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