Keep Her Distracted (Chapter 21)

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The sudden shake of the couch gets you to jolt awake, sitting up from your previous sleeping position. Rapidly blinking your eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light of the room, your hands come up to your face in a half-assed attempt to shield your eyes while also trying to rub away the sleep that is still very much lingering in your head.

"Wakey, wakey. Somebody is popular this morning."

Natasha sips her coffee standing slightly above you. Still trying to shake the sleep from your brain, you don't reply right away. You attempt to use all of your very much delayed brain capacity to comprehend her words that in this moment feel like the world's most difficult riddle.

"Did you just kick me?"

Taking another long drawn out sip of her coffee, Natasha walks over to the table and takes a seat in one of the chairs. "No. I kicked the couch. Are you okay? It's late for you, why are you still asleep?"

Wrapping the blanket around your body, you readjust to lean back onto the couch. Now that you are more aware of your surroundings and fully awake, you realize how tired and grumpy you are. Natasha kicking you awake, not helping with the sour mood.

"I didn't go to sleep until like 4am. And the couch–"

"–Is uncomfortable. So I've heard."

You grumble to yourself under your breath, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. The vibrations of your burner phone against the coffee table draws both of your attention to the device. "It's been going off for the last hour. I think your girlfriend may be feeling a bit impatient."

Not responding, you grab the phone off the table and flip it open to reveal the unread messages from Bri.

[23:45] Unknown: You sure you don't want to meet me for a drink or 2? I've already had 3.

[23:50] Unknown: Make that 3 drinks and 2 shots

[00:11] Unknown: dont u want to see me??

[00:23] Unknown: i wish u were keeping me company tonight

[00:35] Unknown: duck, im drunk

[00:35] Unknown: duck not duck

[00:36] Unknown: DUCK!

Natasha's annoyed tone pulls your attention to her, "What's with the smile? Don't tell me you're falling for the girl."

"No. She was just drunk texting me last night apparently. I didn't even notice because I was listening to music and using my actual phone."

You can tell Natasha isn't convinced with your explanation, but not having any fight in you with how tired you feel you choose to ignore the look she is giving you and refocus on the remaining texts from Bri.

[08:33] Unknown: omg I am SO sorry for my texts. Those are so embarrassing

[08:45] Unknown: please tell me you found them funny and didn't just immediately block my number.

[08:53] Unknown: I am so mortified. I am so so so sorry.

[09:14] Unknown: again, I'm so sorry

[09:19] Y/N: I just woke up but I found your texts as cute as a duck

[09:19] Y/N: and you have nothing to apologize for

[09:20] Unknown: Thank god. I'm still so sorry and embarrassed for texting you so much while I was drinking. Clearly I was having too good of a time by myself

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