No Response (Chapter 7)

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TW: Drug Abuse | Overdose

"Miles! Open the door already. I can't open it myself, my hands are full."

Miles and y/n set aside at least two Sundays a month to eat pizza and watch movies. The two are always talking throughout the weeks, but making time to see each other has become more tricky with y/n's increased work schedule. No matter how much work they have though, they will never put it over their brother. Technically Miles is older, but y/n has taken on the role of protector for most of their lives.

This only became more true when Miles started using drugs and alcohol to cope with all of the emotions and issues that came with growing up without parents or a steady family. Where y/n found solace in books and academics, a way to get away from the reality they were living in every day, Miles found his getaway through mind altering substances.

These Sunday pizza nights were one of many ways y/n has been trying to help their brother move past their addictions. Though pizza can't cure addiction, it was a segway into conversations about getting help and going to addiction counselors or group therapy. Each Sunday they would eat pizza and Miles would pretend to not be experiencing a comedown and do his best acting performance for his sibling, letting them believe that next Sunday dinner will be different. That by next Sunday they will be talking about how group is going while eating their pizza. That next Sunday he will not be coming down from a drug high or recovering from a hangover. That by next Sunday, things will be better.

But that Sunday conversation has yet to happen. And it never will.

"Don't worry Miles, I got it! Thanks for all the help, brother." Y/n manages to push their way inside his apartment. They haphazardly drop their keys in a bowl next to the door and carry the pizza and drinks into the kitchen. Sliding the pizza on the counter, y/n hesitates as they see a bottle of pills spread out on the surface. Some of the pills remain in the tipped over container, but others are on the counter in the form of a powder.


Each step down the hall toward the cracked open door feels heavy, as if time slowed down and all of the world's focus is on y/n at this moment. The weight of the world holds them in place as they fight the forces begging them to not go any further. But they don't listen. Pushing the door open, the creaking of the hinges is the only thing that can be heard in the room.


Instantly their eyes dart down to their brother.


Spread out on the floor facing the bed, Miles lays on his side with his phone next to one of his hands. Y/n flips their brother on his back and shakes him, trying to get his attention back onto them.

"Miles! Hey, wake up. Wake up!"

No response comes from him. Without hesitation, y/n pulls out a small device from their pocket that they jam into their brother's thigh. Within 5 seconds the contents of the device is injected into his body. But still, no response.

"Please work. Miles! Miles, wake up!"

No response.

Calling 911, Y/n sits on the phone as they perform CPR on their brother. Hands laying over on top of one another as they use all of their strength to push down on his chest in a rhythmic pattern, trying to get the muscle in his chest to start beating again.

No response.

After a few minutes, the 911 operator gently tells y/n that it sounds like it's already too late.

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